getaway car (pt.2)

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it had been a month since you and meeks broke up. you hadn't spoken since then. you decided to stop attending dead poets meetings altogether. they all questioned you about it, but it didn't feel right to intrude on it. meeks deserved to be happy and you avoiding him was a way to do that. neil had been pushing for you to attend one saying that meeks was healing but you ignored it. it was best to stay away.

you hadn't talked to pitts since then either. he would try to multiple times but you would give him one word answers or just ignore him. you weren't being fair, but not talking to them felt right.

you were sitting on your bed reading when neil opened your door. lights out was in about 30 minutes. you had stopped going to the study room for the past month and would just sit in your room alone most of the day. most of the time your friends would come in trying to get you out of your room but you'd make up an excuse. charlie would walk by your door talking loudly, dancing, or laughing to get you to come out. you'd just sit there stifling a smile or laugh which he would always call you out for.

"come to the meeting tonight, please." neil was leaning on your doorway.

"neil you know i can't."

"i talked to meeks. he said it's okay. my plays tomorrow night. you have to. you're my good luck charm." he smiled.

you always had trouble saying no to that smile, "i hate you." you said with a laugh, "but i'll go."

he opened his arms wide and you rolled your eyes. you got up to hug him. his hugs were always ridiculously tight but it's just because he loved you so much. charlie came by in the hallway stopping at your doorway.

"i deserve one too."

you let go of neil and hugged charlie. he was always good at hugs. his arms were strong but he was still gentle. that was his personality as a whole. he let go of you and leaned against the wall across your room. neil was still standing in the doorway.

"i need to get ready for bed."

"i can help." charlie smirked.

"just because i'm single doesn't mean you can flirt."

"who says?" he laughed and the both of them walked to their rooms. you closed your door behind you and changed into your pajamas. you knew it was going to be ridiculously cold, per usual, so you opted for red flannel pants and a grey t-shirt with welton across the front. you put on some white socks and got into bed. you luckily didn't have a roommate since the junior class was smaller this year. you liked being alone.


you woke up at around 2am to the familiar knock on your door. since no one in your room was able to wake you up, neil would come by and make sure you were up. you put on your converse and your long winter coat. the cave tonight would be freezing which is what you were dreading the most, other than talking to meeks.

you walked out of your room to see all of them going ahead of you. pitts gave the dog some treats per usual and you all made your way out of the school. sneaking out had become second nature for the 8 of you. you would all try to get there at relatively the same time but it was nearly impossible with how different you all were. you all remained silent until the woods. there charlie began telling jokes to make you all laugh, but he was usually the only one laughing. neil and todd were ahead of you all talking about the play. charlie and knox were of course, talking about girls, but it was mainly just reliving the events of him going to chris's school. cameron was walking with meeks and pitts.

you stayed behind the group. you usually would talk to all of them but you didn't feel comfortable enough to say anything. every once in awhile you'd see meeks look over his shoulder but he wouldn't say anything. you saw pitts get down to tie his shoe and didn't think much of it. he was naturally clumsy.

you kept on walking until you heard pitts speak up from behind you. you stopped and he ran up to you quickly.

"meeks told me." he stood there with his hands in his pockets.

you kept on walking. he stood there for a second wondering if you had heard what he just said but eventually caught up.

"okay." you looked forward.

"that's it?"

"there isn't much to say, pitts."

he looked disappointed. there really wasn't much to say. nothing could come from this and you were just beginning to be okay with it.

"i don't want this to change anything y/n."

"it's too late for that," you immediately felt bad, "this isn't anyone's fault but mine pitts. it's best if we stay away from each other for awhile."

"then why are you here?" his tone was sharp.

"neil wanted me to come. the plays tomorrow night. it's the least i could do."

"the least you could've done was have spoken to me, or meeks. your actions effect people, y'know?" his voice was getting slightly louder.

"pitts, i'm sorry. it just felt like what was best for everyone."

pitts was never someone who yelled. he was always understanding, but it seemed like you broke that. he had every right to be mad. in that moment it hit you how wrong it was to come here. it wasn't fair to any of them. meeks may have said it was okay but pitts didn't.

you could feel the tears on your face. it was a silent cry since you didn't want to draw anymore attention than you had. your throat stung from trying to hold in your tears. pitts looked down at you when you had a failed attempt of stifling a sob.

"i'm sorry," his voice was full of regret, "i went too far."

"no," your voice cracked, "you didn't pitts. you have every right to be upset and so does meeks. i shouldn't have come."

you stopped in your tracks. you attempted to make your way back but felt a strong hand on your arm. pitts awkwardly wrapped his arms around your torso. you were taken by surprise. you kept your arms on your side as he stood there still hugging you. you slowly put your arms around him. you were still crying. you wanted to ask him a lot but you thought it was better to keep your mouth shut. he let go first. he stared at your for a second but then followed the boys. they were further ahead at this point but their shadows were seen despite the fog. you watched him walk away. maybe this was a sign you couldn't have him. maybe this was a sign that one day you two could try it. in that moment, though, you stopped caring about signs. you needed to live in the moment and that moment was a dead poets meeting with your favorite people in the world.

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