gold rush

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"i can't believe this charlie."

"y/n," he paced the small floor of his dorm, "it's not what you think."

"money? you dated me for money? your family has enough of it you dick."

john approached you during lunch.
charlie looked terrified.
you should've known.

"please. it's not like that anymore." he looked apologetic.

"anymore? it's not like that anymore?"

"i fell for you! i really fell for you!" he shouted.

john had a wicked smile.
the fork fell out of your hand.
he walked away with a smirk.
you were frozen in time.

"don't yell at me. don't try and salvage this. you're fucking disgusting charlie," you paused but didn't let him speak again, "was it for that corvette?"

he paused. you caught him in a trap and there was no way out. that fucking corvette had taken up all of your conversations. he was desperate to have it. so desperate in fact, that we was willing to break your heart.

charlie chased after you.
you slammed the door.
he opened it up.
you were already crying.

"y/n. i don't care about the car! will you just listen?"

"you sound idiotic begging like a fucking kid. i know you want that car more than anything. i listened every single time you talked about it. not once did i say how unrealistic you are or how illogical this all is."

"illogical? unrealistic? you really believed i would go out with you?" the moment the words left his mouth you could see the regret across his face.

"y/n, i-i didn't mean it i'm just angry."

"angry? you're angry? the person i invested all my time into pretended to love me for a car that he'll destroy within days. you're just angry because you got caught."

he tried to interrupt but you cut him short, "now fuck off, charlie."


"i hope it was worth it."

the door closed loudly as he left. you itched at the dried tears in your face.

"you picked up another shift?" you nodded.
"late night?" you had to get your homework done.
"sweeping? really?" keating gave you five dollars.
"chores? you want chores?" you begged.

the money you saved up would now collect dust in your desk. you scrounged up two hundred dollars. his birthday was soon. he would've loved it. that money would only go towards college, or maybe your own corvette.

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