talk too much

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the cold air nipped directly at your nose as you ran to the front doors of welton. you had spent most of your day with neil at the café looking over his script for his upcoming role in "a midsummers night dream." he was ecstatic, as were you. he left early in order to help the stagehands with finishing touches. that was neil. always ready to help and even more ready to be great at it.

you spent the rest of your time at the café studying, along with wallowing in self pity. you had been obsessed with neil since your first day at welton two years ago. he introduced himself to you with a swooning smile. that damn smile made you melt, but only one person knew it. on your first day of admiring neil, charlie dalton made it his first day of teasing you for said admiring.

"he's cute, isn't he?"

"um," you stuttered, "!"

"your confidence is astounding."

his confidence astounded you, and the two of you were essentially inseparable since that day. for a time, everyone believed you and charlie were dating. he shut down those rumors the moment he had blondes sneaking out of his room. you tried to use his method of sleeping around in order to get over neil, but after your first failed date you gave up. you wanted neil and charlie wanted you to tell him since that fateful day two years back.

your reminiscing was cut short the moment you opened the heavy, brown doors. charlie was standing in front of you with a familiar smirk. you knew better than to acknowledge it, but he would never let you ignore him.

"how's your little boyfriend?" he joked.

"will you shut up?" you bee-lined for the study room a hallway down.

"oh," he followed you, "you know i'm not capable of that!"

"you aren't capable of a lot, charlie."

he eventually caught up to you. you were only a few feet from the door before he cut you off. he was standing in front of you. his face showed that he was desperate for information, but you weren't willing to give it.

"for the love of god y/n. just tell the man!"

"i would rather die," you smiled, "maybe you just die instead."

he raised his hands up in defense, "i'm just trying to help."

"you can help by staying out of it."

"once again, that is not something i'm capable of."

you pushed past him again as he scoffed in your ear. the longer you held off on telling neil, the more miserable charlie made you. it was excruciating to have a crush, and more excruciating for charlie dalton to know about it.

you opened the door to the study room and were greeted with a roar of "hey" by the dead poets. it was unusually empty in the room that night. mostly everyone student cleared out except for the dead poets. meeks and pitts were now in the process of creating a second radio. cameron and knox were arguing over what to do about chris. todd was the only one actually doing homework. just as you and charlie took a seat on the old couch, neil burst through the door.

"god," he closed the door behind him, "i was meant to do this!"

they all smiled as neil spent the next ten minutes going on about the theater. you couldn't help but admire him. the way his eyes crinkled up when he was truly smiling. the way he over-exaggerated every movement in order to properly describe his excitement. you had never met someone more perfect. you never wanted to meet anyone again. neil was what you wanted.


you were immediately snapped out of your daydream.

"y/n?" neil dragged out your name yet again.

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