beautiful stranger pt.1

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set in: 2023
she/her pronouns used

you walked out of the back while fixing the apron that seemed to be a few sizes too big. the downtown scene has only grown over the past few years but you unfortunately got in the mix when you applied to a few shops. the local coffee shop hired you, but really it couldn't compete with the chain stores so most days you spent looking busy or sitting on your phone. the bell on the door would only ring when someone's kid had to use the restroom or middle school students wanted to seem "indie". you and your coworkers grew close in the silence.

"so, any plans tonight?" your closest friend, jess, asked.

"i know chet's having a party tonight. a few friends invited me so it seems only right to go." you sat on the clean counter.

"i mean have fun, but chet? is it the 50s?"

"i didn't name the kid!" you threw your hands up in defense.

"just, don't be stupid. your school seems like it's filled with ferris bueller types."

"who ever said that was a bad thing?" you smirked.


you walked into the party with shaky hands. those shaky hands were soon handed a solo cup from chet.

"hey! have fun!" he smiled as he looked for chris.

you shook your head with a smile. you said hi to your friends as you made your way farther and farther into the nearly unrecognizable house. you weren't shocked these kids were willing to trash the place but you were shocked chet wasn't doing anything about it. he was never afraid to say something even at the worst of times.

"gonna walk by without saying hi?" your friend alexander said from the side. he was standing with a few other friends.

"i'm sorry! i can't hear a word with all the screaming over beer pong."

"hey, at least we know they're winning. that's what really matters."

you all continued the conversation. really, all of you were making fun of those around you but did it really matter? it's high school. shit talking was a tale as old as time. about midway through the bashing session your friend, luna, gave you a look.

"jeez, are you trying to seduce me or scare me?" you said.

"i think that kid over there is choosing the forward," she pointed behind her, "but don't make it obvious!"

you were always one to look when someone said "don't look." she rolled her eyes as you made eye contact with the brown haired boy. his eyes were soft but grew worried when you looked behind you. you took notice of his crooked, but adorable, nose. he seemed shocked you spent even a few seconds looking in his general direction. his hair was swooped down in front of his forehead which reminded you more of justin bieber despite its short length.

"y/n go say hi! how many times do you meet a possible soulmate at chet's party?" alex spoke up.

"at least once a week," you looked at him with a smirk, "he seems shy. not exactly my type."

"who says you had to have a type when it comes to a simple make out session on the back patio?" alex smiled wide.

"you only live once i suppose."

you walked over to the mysterious boy who's face was growing redder by the minute. he was most definitely looking for a way out of whatever was about to take place. he looked frantic but as you got closer he attempted to appear cooler than he was. you stood in front of him now and studied his face even more.

"always come to parties just to stare at attractive people?" you asked him after taking a sip of your half empty cup.

"depends on the weekend." he had a somewhat uncomfortable smile now.

"oh? so you do this often?" you smiled gently.

"what?" he seemed frantic, "no!"

"relax, relax! i swear i'm only joking." you tried to calm him down but he seemed permanently anxious. you could see that he was saying something but the music and cheering was so loud you couldn't hear. you then remembered alex's comment from earlier. type doesn't matter when it comes to a makeout session on the back patio.

"hey! let's go outside."

he gave you a gentle nod and you took charge, despite your nerves. you grabbed his hand and led him out the back door where your old childhood best friend was throwing up in a bush. her current boyfriend was holding her hair, so you ignored the issue at hand.

"these kind of things don't really happen at welton."

"welton? you go to welton?"

he smiled, "yeah. it's worse than the stories you're told."

"my dad went there. he's never had a good thing to say about it. so, it makes sense why none of my siblings were forced into hellton."

"trust me, i don't either. walking those halls is my personal version of hell," he scoffed, "i guess that nickname makes sense."

"well, how much longer until you can leave your own hell?"

"two years. the longest two years of my life."

he was holding back, slightly. you couldn't tell whether it was from nerves or simply him not wanting to talk. you decided to take a risk and keep talking.

"how do you plan to spend those awful two years?"

"promise you can keep a secret?" he sounded giddy at the thought of telling someone.

"now i'm scared about how you spent your free time," you paused, "before you confide in me further how about you tell me your name?"

"knox. you?"

"y/n," you smiled, "now you can confide in me."

"my friends and i have this club, well more of a society. we sneak out into the woods and read poems to one another."

you scoffed, "i can't tell if it's a cult or all of you kissing for a few hours."

"i see how it is then." he turned around, clearly annoyed, but you tried your best to save the situation.

"hey, hey. i'm sorry. i could never pass up a good joke."

"yeah, one of my friends is the exact same way." he scoffed a bit but moved back next to you on the porch.

"tell me more," you gave him some pleading eyes, "please."

"just because you're pretty," he paused, "i know you may think it's slightly stupid, but it's our own getaway from the boredom of welton. half the time we barely even read. someone always ends up saying something stupid that we talk about for the rest of the meeting. it's a good break from how bad it can be sometimes."

"that does sound nice. actually, it sounds really nice. book clubs in public school definitely aren't as refreshing as that."

he ran his fingers through his hair and let out a brief sigh. he was thinking, pretty heavily actually. he gave you a soft smile before he spoke.

"they'll kill me for this. murder me in cold blood, actually."

"are you going to murder me or something?" you joked.

"obviously not," he rolled his eyes, "want to come to our next meeting?"

"when would this meeting be?"

"tonight at 3am."

"i'm in." you smiled wide at him.

"keep it a secret, though." he smiled back.

"consider it kept."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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