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she/her pronouns used

you walked up to the doorstep with a smile still on your face. neil's play was fantastic until your father came to ruin the night. the poets cheered you up, though. pitts danced walked you home while telling small jokes to keep you laughing. you almost forgot about the events that unfolded before hand.

"i'm home." you said as you walked through the large front door.

"you have opportunities i've never even dreamed of, neil!" your fathers voice echoed off the walls.

you expected it to be bad but neil's silence made it worse. he didn't know how to stand up to him. you didn't know how until you left for university in the fall but even then it was difficult. you walked into the study with your smile long gone.

"go up to your room now, y/n!" your father yelled.

you stood there for a second as you prepared for what was about to come, "no."

"what did you just say to me?" somehow his voice was getting louder.

"no," he unleashed years of rage upon you in what seemed to be seconds. neil stood there with tears welling in his eyes. you turned to him as your father yelled.

"go to your room and lock the door. i'll be up there when this is done," he looked hesitant to leave, "i'll be okay."

he walked slowly up the stairs. luckily, your father was too busy screaming to notice. despite his cruel words your mother sat there silently with tears in her eyes per usual.

"i can't believe you are so willing to disappoint me like this!"

"me? disappoint you? i have done everything you've asked of me. i sucked it up and went to law school. i'm at the top of my class. i am everything you wanted me to be."

"i put my life into making sure you could have a future."

"i put my life into making you happy. i'm miserable at school. i hate my classmates. i hate my classes. i did what i had to do to keep neil and i safe. i figured if i couldn't do what i wanted to then maybe neil would." you attempted to hide how upset you really were. your father used your tears as fuel.

"don't act like that boys savior. everything i did, i did for the two of you," his voice cracked near the end making you wonder if he felt remorse, "i pushed aside everything to keep you two on the right track."

"everything you did only fucked us up. anything lower than an A sends me into a spiral. neil barely has time to enjoy his junior year. you made sure we were as miserable as you."

your mother still sat there silently. her head was hung low as she clutched onto a wrinkled tissue. her light makeup began to smear when she attempted to wipe the tears away.

"look at what you're doing to your mother!"

"she's not my mother. you're not my father. i'm just somebody you've known for 18 years," you stood there staring at the man who raised you, "neil will stay enrolled in welton. i have enough money to get me by in college. don't expect to have children after this."

"you can't walk out of this home! i'm your father!" he yelled as you made your way to neil's room.

"i was your daughter. i needed you. you never held me, never told me you were proud, and not once did i hear you say 'i love you.' i wanted my dad." you couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"i'm not supposed to be your friend!" he yelled.

"i'm not supposed to be your puppet."

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