Chapter 1: The Beginning

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(So this is my first story, I hope that it's ok. Even after editing, I feel like there are still some parts that are mediocre, if you have any recommendations on how to improve it, please let me know. Anyway, hope you enjoy ^^)

Izuku Midoriya curled up into his blanket, the fall breeze seeping in through the blanket. Yesterday he had been hanging out with his friend Katsuki all day. The two had spent the whole weekend hanging out. He had stayed up fairly late, about 4 hours later than usual and he didn't want to wake up early. He was more of a night owl than a morning person anyway, so getting up was sometimes a struggle either way.

The greenette heard his alarm clock beeping and with an annoyed grunt, he flopped over, turning away from the alarm clock and covering his ears with his pillow the best he could. After a few minutes of constant beeping, he finally pressed the snooze button and went back to sleep. That was until once again his sleep was interrupted, this time by a knock on the door, his mother calling for him.

"Izuku!" he heard his mother call as he continued attempting to fend off the light coming into his room through his window. He heard his mother call for him once more. "Izuku! Katsuki-Kun is here" Realising that Inko was calling him because Katsuki was there made him bolt up, rushing to get dressed into his school uniform and deal with the absolute bird's nest that he called hair. Inko knew that her son would be away for a few minutes so she decided to make small talk with Katsuki.

"So how have you been? I know I see you almost every day but I never usually get to talk with you."

Katsuki nodded in agreement. "Yeah." He had started arriving every day to walk Izuku to school starting around the middle of this school year, their last year before high school. Izuku came out of his bedroom and walked over to the kitchen making himself a quick slice of toast before quickly brushing his teeth, trying to brush through his hair again, and finally made it to where Inko and Katsuki were waiting.

"Sorry I took so long Kacchan," Izuku says slightly out of breath due to rushing around his home and his lack of stamina. Katsuki looked at Izuku, he chuckled to himself. The blond's thoughts went to how cute he thought Izuku was, shaking his head he tried to ignore the comment from his subconscious.

Katsuki decided to focus on the present instead of his fantasies, "Whatcha apologizing for c'mon we gotta go," he said, dragging Izuku out the door.

"Bye, mom!"

"Bye Auntie" the two called in semi-unison, closing the door. Inko smiled as she waved to the two of them

'I'm so glad Izuku has someone to protect him' she thought as she started getting ready for her day.

Izuku and Katsuki started to walk down the street, chatting as they went. They made small talk about nothing in general, Izuku -as always- found some way to sneak All Might into the conversation, mumbling at the end of it. Izuku always enjoyed talking with Katsuki, he had missed it during the time that he was bullied which hadn't even been a year ago.


Katsuki had always been Izuki's biggest role model, even more important than All Might himself. They had known each other practically since they were born and until they were a little older than 5, the two had been best friends. They had hung out every day, whether it was going to the park or visiting each other's houses, the two had always made time for each other.

That was until Katsuki discovered his incredible quirk when he was around 3. Not only that but he also found out that on top of having an incredible quirk he was an alpha, a few weeks after turning 5. Izuku was slightly younger than Katsuki so there was an interval of time when he could hang out with Katsuki, qualified as a late bloomer, and having an unknown second gender. That was up until a few weeks after Izuku's 5th birthday.

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