Chapter 27: Finale

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(Hi everyone ^^. Here's my newest chapter and I hope you enjoy it. If you could give me female name recommendations for something that I'm writing for a club I'd really appreciate it. I'm planning on sharing it with you once it's done.)

Izuku looked around, there weren't many people walking through this hallway but he wasn't surprised. It's uncommon for someone to join UA after their 1st year. He continued to walk forward, following the signs directing him where to go. He continued to walk seeing multiple doors, one for each course. Izuku walked down the hall until he saw the sign with "Support" written on it. He smiled and walked into the room to see about 5 other people in the room with him.

The room was a nice moderate size, it was a nice open space with a few chairs lined up for the written testing. Izuku took a seat in a chair close to the back and waited quietly for further instruction. Most of the other people in the room did the same, sitting as far from other people as they could.

There was silence in the room, everyone was waiting for the test to start. Izuku was uncomfortable with the silence and started to awkwardly look around. He noticed the door swing open, three people walked into the room, two he didn't recognize but he did notice Principal Nezu who was talking to the two men quietly.

As they walked further into the room Nezu welcomed everyone and after explaining the test, he left, busy with monitoring all of the other entrance exams as well, a very tedious and stressful process. Izuku was soon handed the written test and started quickly, giving him the most time possible to look over and correct his answers.

During the weeks of preparation, Katsuki had created practice tests that was around the same difficulty as he remembered the UA entrance exam being. Luckily, those tests were just as, maybe less difficult than the actual test. So, Izuku finished quickly, he spent the rest of the testing time checking over for any possible mistakes that he could have made.

After what felt like an eternity of looking over the same questions, time finally ran out and everyone stood up and turned in their tests. Then, all the applicants were led into the room next door, Izuku looked around to see that it was a much larger room with more seats, the people from earlier were there as well as a few others, which Izuku figured to be more judges. Izuku took a seat and waited to be called on. This was the big part, although the written exam also played a part in who got the spot, it was really up to this moment, what creation you were presenting.

The speakers came on and called up the first applicant who happily and confidently carried on their covered creation.

As he waited he saw the rest of the applicants' creations, they were things he hadn't even thought about before, much more useful in his opinion than his creation. 'I'm not going to get in,' he thought to himself as he watched all of the things that were displayed. Izuku was already worried, his self-doubt making the situation worse.

He stared at the technology mumbling to himself until the speaker came on again. "Izuku Midoriya please come on to the stage to present your creation."

Izuku sighed as he got up and walked up to the stairs, there, he was given a hand-held microphone to speak into to explain why he made it, what it does and how it works.

Izuku walked onto the stage, looking over the judges and the rest of the applicants, he gulped before finally speaking. "Hello, I'm Izuku Midoriya and what I'll be presenting to you is a support item made for heroes with non-mobility quirks who struggle with getting to the scene in time. By creating a lightweight compromise, they can get where they need to be quicker, minimizing casualties."

Izuku looked around and found an elevated part of the platform, high enough for his demonstration. Even though Izuku's demonstration didn't require him to be elevated, he was going to use it as an example.

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