Chapter 14: The Enemies' Win

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(Hi everyone and welcome to chapter 14 ^^. I know that the title makes this chapter sounds super depressing but don't worry it's not as bad as it sounds. I posted some of my favorite AUs that I've thought of so if you want you can look at those in the conversation tab and comment which one you'd like to see after this one. I also wanted to say thanks for all of the support, I really enjoyed the comments as well. They helped me write this by expanding my already made ideas. This chapter will be short but the next few chapters will be pretty chaotic. Anyway, that's enough from me, enjoy!)

Katsuki woke up and as usual, Izuku snatched Katsuki's pillow snuggling it as a Katsuki substitute. Katsuki looked over and smiled before exiting the room and going to the kitchen. He made breakfast for the two of them and see it on the table as he waited for Izuku. Izuku made his way down the stairs after a few minutes and walked over to Katsuki. "Smell good Kacchan," he said leaning closer to the smell. He taste it and smiled, "It's good too," he said looking content as he continued to eat it. Katsuki smiled and started eating, even if Izuku always said that Katsuki's cooking was incredible he always found the littlest of problems with it to focus on, not being satisfied if it wasn't perfect. Once they were done they went back upstairs getting ready for the day.

They walked out the door together and made their way to Izuku's school. Katsuki dropped Izuku off as always and headed to UA. The day was normal for both of them. Kouta still ignored Izuku and for Katsuki, nothing out of the ordinary happened. It was like that for the whole week, for once there wasn't something important coming up or had happened.

Once the next week rolled in, only one thing changed. The day started normally and throughout the whole day it was normal, Katsuki studied with his friends while Izuku worked on his project. Other than sitting through boring class lectures, Katsuki enjoyed his day, getting to go all out and blow up some mannequins dressed up as villains. Izuku however enjoyed the whole day, listening and writing notes, muttering as the time went on. The other half of the day was not different, muttering to himself as he brainstormed how to work the mechanisms grabbing pieces, theorizing how they would work together combining them with other mechanics before trying if it worked. Most of the time it didn't so he sighed, took it apart, and continued to try other things.

Before Izuku knew it, the day was already over. He packed up making sure his project was safe in the other pocket of his backpack. He happily strolled out of the classroom. He had finally gotten used to not having to deal with Kouta and he was incredibly happy about it. It was a relief to finally have that off of his shoulders. He was one turn away from the main hall with the big school doors when he saw Kouta approaching him. 'Not again,' he thought as he tried to speed walk past him.

Kouta walked over and smirked, "Hey there loser," he said as he continued to walk over to where Izuku was. It was like any other encounter with Kouta, being mocked before Kouta left. As Kouta started to walk away he turned back to Izuku. "You won't tell anyone, right?" His smirk grew wider as he made the comment completely insincere. Izuku only nodded before getting up and started skipping to the doors as if nothing had just happened.

The two weeks that followed were overall peaceful, no villains attacked Katsuki, and nothing interesting happened. The bullying may have continued but it didn't escalate after Kouta had first ignored him. It was peaceful until one Friday afternoon. Kouta had been walking home by himself as he always did after his friends had already entered their homes. He was the farthest from the school which meant that he was always the last of his friend group to get home. As he continued to walk he couldn't help but feel as if someone was following him. He turned around to see no one there and that scared him. He continued to walk trying to ignore the growing feeling of dread.

Kouta cut into an alleyway to make it home faster and that was the worst decision he could have made. After Kouta made it to the alleyway that's when the presence decided to show itself. A man wearing a black hoodie and slouched over started to advance on him. Kouta turned around and finally saw the man, it was none other than the one that wears a hand on his face, Shigaraki Tomura (I so badly want to put the crusty man himself Shigaraki, I dunno feel like it would change the mood).

Shigaraki backed Kouta onto one of the walls of the alleyway making Kouta fall to his knees. Even if Shigaraki's quirk was dangerous the thing scaring him the most was that he had a knife. Kouta tried to move further away from the approaching man but his back was already touching the wall. Shigaraki grabbed the knife and set it on Kouta's throat. "I saw you with Katsuki Bakugou a few weeks back. If you've talked to him then you must know something about him. What's something he cares a lot about?" Shigaraki said intimidating Kouta even more.

Kouta had sweat dripping down his face and just wanted to cry, this wasn't how his Friday afternoon was supposed to go. He sat there frozen until it came to him, "An omega! He has an omega. If you don't believe me then follow Bakugou, the two walk home together. Please, just please don't kill me." Kouta was speaking quickly and shaking in fear. Shigaraki smirked and pulled the knife off of Kouta's neck. "I didn't come here to kill, as long as you don't tell anyone then you'll be fine. Kouta nodded glad to be alive.

After Kouta ran out of the alleyway Shigaraki stepped into the portal. "Well, that was easy. We got the information we needed, now all we need is a team," he said to Kurogiri with a malicious grin, "If Bakugou chooses to decline or do something to humiliate us, he'll learn not to mess with us."

(Hope you enjoyed it, see you next chapter.)

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