Chapter 22: Welcome

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(Welcome to chapter 22 ^^. Hope you enjoy!)

Even if Izuku had been expecting it, the words said to him made him speechless. He just sat there quietly his face full of shock, his eyes started to tear up."I'll give you some time for that to sink in for you," the doctor said as they walked out of the office. Izuku just sat there for a few minutes letting the words sink in, he may never have kids. After a few minutes, he decided it was finally time to tell Katsuki. Walking out of the room he tried his best to smile as he walked back into the room Katsuki waited for him in. Taking one last deep breath Izuku opened the door.

"How'd it go?" Katsuki asked as he saw Izuku walk over to him. Taking a seat next to Katsuki, Izuku started to tell him about the good news he had received. Even if Izuku tried his best to look as if nothing was wrong, it was clear as day to Katsuki that he was hiding something. "What else?" Katsuki asked. Izuku looked at him trying his best to look confused, "What do you mean?" he asked. Katsuki sighed, "You know what I mean, you're not telling me everything, I can tell."

Izuku stared into Katsuki's eyes, he didn't want to say it. With no warning, Izuku broke down into tears and started crying into Katsuki's shoulder. Katsuki was stunned but didn't say anything, all he did was put a reassuring arm around Izuku as he sobbed, unable to form words. When Izuku had calmed down a little he started to talk somewhat effectively. "I-I might not be able to have children," Izuku choked out as he started to cry again. Katsuki was shocked, how could he have let this happen. Right now wasn't the time to get emotional, he had to be there for Izuku. The best thing Katsuki could do was tighten his grip on the omega and let him cry.

Once Izuku had calmed down Katsuki decided it was time he called Izuku's mother. The call didn't last long, he told her that Izuku woke up, and then Inko started heading over with no further information. Inko came in and happily hugged her son happy for him to be safe and healthy. The two didn't bother to tell Inko about the dilemma, Inko didn't need more to worry her. Mitsuki came in a while after and the four of them spent a nice time chatting happily until it was time for them to leave.

Two days later, Izuku was able to leave the hospital with some recovery still needed but nothing critical. Katsuki had been able to set up an arrangement for Izuku to stay with Katsuki in the UA dorms for a few months. Even if the LOV had been apprehended and put in prison they most certainly had allies, who knew if some of them would try to attack Izuku again. So, Nezu had agreed and allowed Katsuki to give Izuku a visitor's card for entry. While the students went to school, Izuku would stay and attend the classes online. Katsuki couldn't help but smirk when he led Izuku up to the entrance of UA.

Izuku hadn't been there many times and it still amazed Izuku that Katsuki was going to one of the most prestigious schools in the world. Izuku looked around eyes sparkling as he took in everything he could. He spent the time it took the couple to walk to the dorms asking question after question, curious as to how everything was, Izuku happily let Katsuki describe his time at UA.

When the two made it to the 1-A dorms everyone was in the main area interested in what was going on, all of their teachers were standing around waiting in their dormitory and everyone wondered why. Nezu and Aizawa walked up to Katsuki and Izuku. "Welcome to UA," Nezu said as Izuku just gawked at everything. Most of the class looked at Izuku in confusion, they had never seen him before.

Those who did know Izuku however walked up and said hello which just made the rest of the class even more confused. Izuku examined all of the teachers naming them off as he went. "We have Eraser head, Midnight, Ectoplasm, Present Mic, Cementoss, and Al..." Izuku trailed off, looking at Katsuki his eyes started to sparkle. "You never told me that All Might was one of your teachers," Izuku exclaimed. Katsuki just chuckled, "I guess I never did," he replied thoughtfully, thinking back on it, he never did tell Izuku that All Might was one of his teachers. "But it did make for a great surprise," Katsuki said as a follow-up.

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