Chapter 15: First Term Finals

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(Hey everyone and welcome to chapter 15 ^^. Enjoy)

It was like any other Thursday morning. Everyone was wanting the weekend more than ever, including Katsuki and Izuku. Summer break was just around the corner and the two couldn't wait to spend more time with each other. Even if they couldn't wait, there were a few things they needed to do first. They would make sure to do well on them so that they could spend their summer break peacefully.

Katsuki and Izuku walked to Horikoshi high as every other day getting there just before the school started letting students in. Izuku hugged Katsuki, giving him a quick peck on the lips as he let go and turned toward the school. Once the school doors opened, Izuku walked into his classroom and set down his backpack. For most schools, including Izuku's this was the first day of finals before the term ended. Izuku unzipped his backpack and took out some of the study guides he had made for himself. He refreshed his memories on them all, focusing and rereading more in-depth with the ones he struggled with.

Not only did he have this morning to study, but he also had Katsuki's help with his studying. Instead of going out somewhere, they ended up staying indoors helping each other study for their upcoming tests. As Izuku continued to study he didn't realize how much time had passed and looked up surprised as Ms.Tanaka exited the tech room and entered the classroom part of the room ready to start the day. Quickly putting his things away Izuku looked up at his teacher ready to take his tests. The day continued as any test would usually go. Although most of his teachers made them take tests, some postponed their tests to Friday so it wasn't such a bombardment of tests.

After lunch, it was finally time for the engineering part of the day. Even if there still had to be something like testing, it was presenting. They had spent well over a month on this project now and had spent Monday and Tuesday writing the description of their project and Wednesday practicing presenting it by themselves. Ms. Tanaka entered the tech room with everyone else and walked to the front of the room. She had cleared the table in the middle of the room that usually kept the parts needed for projects so that every presenter's projects could be seen clearly from anywhere in the room.

"As you know finals are what each class is doing for the next few days. In this class, we'll be using those descriptions you wrote to present this unit's project. Since we have to give plenty of time for each person to present, this is what we're going to be doing for today and tomorrow before the summer break." Ms. Tanaka explained as she started walking over to the middle table. "Does anyone volunteer to go first?" she asked looking around the room hoping that she didn't have to call on people. The room went dead silent and no one raised their hands.

She signed and grabbed her laptop opening it to a link that had a randomizer wheel. She typed in each student's name and let the wheel choose which one went first. The wheel spun quickly and soon enough the first project was being presented. Once the first person presented their projects Izuku took out his engineering analysis notebook. It was completely separate from his hero analysis notebook and was used to write down interesting techniques or anything that could aid him in later builds. Izuku watched everyone's presentation interested in how similar yet different each one was writing it all down. 

After only a few pairs went the wheel landed on Izuku. He sighed and walked to the desk putting on it what looked like a sandwich of thin sheets of metal with a wire attached, the wire connected to a button. Izuku took one last deep breath before starting to describe his project. "This is my creation, it's not much but it's a contribution to my final machine." Izuku grabbed the metal sandwich lifting it so everyone could see it. As he did so the button also moved, causing it to dangle in the air.

Snickers could be heard from Izuku's classmates as he carefully put it back down. "Each layer of metal is coated in wax so that they can move even with being superly compressed like this," Izuku explained walking over to the button. "What I did for this project is I made a mechanism that would make this shape expand and be able to compress into this size while still being strong." Izuku then pressed the button as the thin metal then expanded each layer lining up with the other ones. When all of the metal was in place it resembled the shape of a skateboard. The metal was about an inch thick once fully finished, about half of the height it had before it expanded. It was thick enough to be able to hold a person's weight and was a great cheap metal.

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