Chapter 9: Katsuki's Birthday

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(Hey everyone and welcome to chapter 9 ^^. I'm going to be brainstorming and coming up with all of the details in this chapter as I write it lol. Anyways hope you enjoy it.)

Izuku was trying not to fall asleep until Katsuki was already up so he kept opening his eyes every few hours. Although this made Izuku sleepy, it also meant that he woke up at 7:30, a nice time to wake up on a Saturday to be productive (that 100% ain't me). He carefully got out of bed looking back to see that Katsuki was still asleep. Katsuki did seem to be moving in his sleep more so Izuku knew he didn't have all of the time in the world. Quitely rushing down the stairs, Izuku looked around noticing that Mitsuki and Masaru had already put up the birthday decorations as they slept. Izuku sighed in relief, 'at least one thing is already off my to-do list' he thought as he went to the kitchen grabbing ingredients for some tamagoyaki. Izuku wasn't a great cook but he wanted to make Katsuki's breakfast. Tamagoyaki is like eggs but a little harder since you have to roll it, adding things to make the eggs to make it easier to roll.

He had pulled out some eggs, dashi(a kind of stock that's used for a lot of seasonings for Japanese foods, it's even a part of the broth for miso soup), and pulled out measuring spoons. He cracked 12 eggs putting 3 in a bowl, making double the usual for two people just in case he messed up the first one. Once he thoroughly mixed the egg whites and yolks, he put in 2 teaspoons of dashi to each bowl. He also added 2 tablespoons of water to each mixture, making sure to stir thoroughly (I've never made or had tamagoyaki before but I've heard from my friends it's good lol. I'm literally looking at a guide on how to make it as I write this lol. I'm thinking of using the recipe to make some soon. This was the simplest recipe I could find so there are more flavorful ones out there. If you were to cook it though you should look up a guide, I'm not a tamagoyaki expert so do that instead😅). Once the mixture in each of the four bowls was ready Izuku didn't want to mess up. As he silently panicked he noticed that Mitsuki had just entered the room. Feeling kind of relieved he asked Mitsuki for help from that point on so he didn't mess anything up (if you're wondering why he's putting the ingredients into separate bowls which you're probably not, it's so that he knows how much to use to make one roll).

Mitsuki started by helping him by telling him how much to pour in. "Alright, the layer should be fairly thin. Even if it doesn't seem like enough, move the pan around to spread it around, if it still looks too little just add a little more." Mitsuki said as she showed him how he would move the pan around without making a mess. Izuku nodded as he grabbed the first bowl adding some of the egg mixture to the pan. He sloshed it around making sure it spread around. "Now, once it's about halfway cooked you have to start rolling it," she said. Izuku nodded 'all I have to do is roll it carefully, how hard could that be?' Izuku thought to himself as he waited for the eggs to cook just a little longer. "Alright start rolling the eggs now" she instructed, not wanting to make Izuku feel like she did most of the work she let Izuku do it by himself. With a slightly shaky hand, Izuku lined the spatula up with one end of the egg rectangle (in Japan there's a pan specifically made for cooking tamagoyaki so that's the 'pan' I've been referencing, you can use a normal frying pan as well.).

Izuku so far had been doing well, he had made one successful roll and was starting the next but he tore it. "Ah, I tore it," Izuku said sadly with a look of disappointment. "Hey, it's okay. It's your first time making tamagoyaki, isn't it? Don't beat yourself up about it, you're going to be prone to mistakes. Besides, one little tear isn't the end of the world you can keep rolling that one even" she said reassuring Izuku as he kept rolling making a successful roll of egg. He put some more of the mixture from the same bowl into the pan with the little roll, letting the egg seep under the roll as instructed by Mitsuki. As he kept slowly rolling he kept making mistakes, whether it was tearing it or burning it he still was able to make 4 rolls. He wrapped them in a paper towel to keep them nice and fluffy as he waited for them to cool. Once they were done, Izuku took them out of the paper towels and cut them into smaller pieces. (I'm not going to be putting pictures so if you wanna know what tamagoyaki looks like then just search it and go to pictures.)

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