Chapter 6: New Schools

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(Hi everyone ^^ welcome to chapter 6! This is in my opinion when things start to pick up in this story so thanks for waiting for so many chapters, I first intended it to be 1 maybe 2 but I ended up writing 5 oops. Most scenes in which they're doing something like waking up and stuff is in the Bakugou household unless specifically said that it isn't. Something that I never really talked about is the length of each chapter. Each one is about 2-3 thousand words long (which is why it takes so long to write them, other than my procrastinating lol), tell me if you want a word count. Well anyways enjoy.)

It was finally time for Katsuki and Izuku to start the beginning of their high school journeys. The two were very excited and couldn't wait for the school year to start. Sure it meant that the two of them wouldn't be able to hang out as much but they were excited to start working toward their goals. The last few days were spent hanging out and just being with each other, even if the activity was just sitting next to each other doing nothing. The first day of school was very exciting for both of them. Even though Katuski wouldn't admit it he was super excited and a little nervous. On the first day of school, the two woke up early, showering, brushing their teeth, brushing hair, and putting on their separate uniforms. They headed down for breakfast, eating quickly before heading out the door. 

Katsuki lived near UA (in my au anyway) so all they had to do was walk over to the public school next to UA, Izuku's school. Katsuki gave Izuku a peck on the lips before starting to walk over to UA. So that it was guaranteed that Katsuki made it on time after dropping Izuku off they arrived about 30 minutes early. Izuku had a while to wait before the campus doors were unlocked and he could walk the halls looking for his class (I'm starting with Izuku's first day then moving onto Katsuki). He took the time to look at the school, admiring how much bigger it was compared to his middle school. The school was a two-story building, windows covering the walls. It was a light grey color, nothing special. The building was much larger than his old school however and there was a little bit more lawn as well. Of course, there wasn't a lot, especially compared to UA but it was a nice size. 

Soon enough Izuku heard the loud ring from the school bell indicating that the school was open. He walked into the school, taking out the sheet of paper he had in his yellow backpack which told him which classroom to go to. He stared at the paper checking the room numbers as he went, finally finding it after a few minutes. He was the first person in the room which was understandable since there weren't many people who enter school at this time. He took his seat, choosing one in the 3rd row, two seats away from the middle. As time passed more and more people entered the room, filling up the other seats. The teacher entered the room a few minutes late, entering about 5 minutes after the bell. "Welcome everyone. I'm Ms.Tanaka and I'll be your teacher this year," Ms.Tanaka their teacher said as she walked into the classroom. She had straight black hair and had a very pale face, she was around 4'7" and was wearing short high heels that made her look about an inch taller. 

She had a friendly face and looked happy to be teaching the class. "Alright, since today is the first day of school we're not going to be doing any work. I'll go over the class norms and then we'll introduce ourselves." She started to go over the class norms which were pretty normal for a class, don't speak while the teacher's speaking, don't distract others, and something that is just for the support class, don't take or copy someone else's projects. This took them to lunchtime, so Ms.Tanaka looked at her name sheet, "Alright, it's time for lunch. Ito and Suzuki, you'll be in charge of clean up of dishes and cutlery. Aoki and Okada will be inc charge of recycling. Fujimoto and Hirano, you'll be on food duty. Finally Midoriya, you'll be in charge of bringing the food." Everyone nodded, getting to their positions. 

Izuku sighed, as everyone else was preparing to either eat or preparing to distribute the food (I didn't make this up, it's actually how they normally have their lunch. Most of the time the food has vegetation from the school gardens, pretty interesting stuff. Anyways normally about 2 or 3 people go to grab the cart of food but for story purposes, we're ignoring that lol) he had to go and find the kitchen and grab the class's food cart. He walked out the door and started to walk around searching for the kitchen. 'Of course, it had to have been me who got the duty of getting the food cart on the first day of school. Where even is it?'. Luckily, his class was on the first floor so he didn't have to worry about finding the elevator as well. He continued to walk around, trying to find the kitchen. He was looking to his right when he bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh, I didn't see you there, sorry," Izuku said nervously looking up, hoping he hadn't bumped into a bully.

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