A photo of the two I fell in love with

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A photo of the two I fell in love with
When we were only friends and
Nothing bad ever happened...yet

The man I write about 24/7 it feels
Was to the left and the person I
Used to write about on the right

Both were so pure and weren't
Who they are yet...
A year-ish before their true forms
Took place into their poor shells
Of their poor bodies

We were inseparable
We were inlove
We were innocent
Nobody had sinned yet

If only that moment was my last
I'd take that over this ,they were so happy
Against the gym bleachers at school
I believe it was morning before
School started I had just gotten
A Polaroid camera for either
Christmas or my birthday I was so exited
I took photos of almost everything

That photo has watched a side of me
They forgot existed

The photo will never change but the people
In them sure do..

I know exactly where this photo is
It's one of my most important treasures honestly I'd be destroyed before the photo.
That photo literally means the world to me

I believe the photo was taken in 2017 that's nearly forever ago like half a decade ago now...
That's insane but so are the people involved in that photo nowadays atleast the two who were photographed are still just as close years later...

I will not be showing it my apologies

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