Mon chéri

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Dearest love

My fiancé

Mon chéri

I'm afraid, how can I admit that? I am not human

Good, lord your perfect;
Despite your self doubt

I'm afraid I'll destroy you, believe it or not

Our one kiss, was very hard to do ya' know.... I contemplated the decision for days...

I always dressed to impress you, most people I hardly care to make good appearances

I had even left my dark quarters, to be in the sun with you despite my disliking of the sun

I left my house for you, when we actually ended up hanging out you were the only person I could stand to be around

I went to parts of the town I didn't know, I was afraid I'd get lost... I actually did get lost but shh

I wanted extra time with you, I always had an urge to kiss you always... no matter what.

There's times I've tried hurting you to push away/prove yourself ill admit... I terribly regret that

I used to never really picture others in my future, but mon chéri i see you plain as day in my future fantasies

Crazy, I know

I am inlove with you tho, you are the only person that can break me away from a strange delusion!

I love you, and I want you to live with me here in my 'castle' one day.. I want to marry you in a few years...
strange, I know

I don't think I've ever been this inlove....ever

I love you!!!!

Lil' rambling poem! About mon  amour!!! A real love poem for once that isn't some sick fantasy, something that is real!!! I do put the idea that "I'm not human" in here because of the fact I feel fear, maybe somebody will understand why I put it idk.. but I love him sm!!!!!

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