I am you

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Listen to the way I howl

Listen to my breathing somewhere in the dark

Listen to my tail beating against your ribcage

I am your darkest nightmare

I dare say your worst creation

The one that lives in your dark Desolate room

The one hiding under your bed

The one in your closet

I am a shadow of you

An eclipse if you will

I feed on your sins like a fine wine

Evrey breath you take is a symbol of how truly real I am

Stories you'd tell your parents of a monster praying on you

I am that beast you thought I was just your imagination has you grow older

But oh how wrong you are

Maybe you thought me into existence but I am everything around you

I am the wind, the trees, the fire, the water, you're lovers, the dark, and your clothes

I am everything and everyone all at once

My fluid movements like a snake I know you watch them in the corner of your eye

I've seen you're worst desires I know you aswell as my own hand

After all I'm in a way you

Haven't you noticed? How truly the same we are yet? Or are you denying the truth?

So I dare say I am you
The darkest aspects of you

I know you so well despite hardly existing in the light


Blood Rose || A Collection Of my Poetry: Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now