I am the king of fake flowers

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A poor prince born into
A shell of feminity

A prince of roses
Yet he can hardly keep
Plants alive
He had a rose bush
That he took care of
It was his pride and joy
In a way

He collected fake flowers
Since they couldn't disappoint

They wouldn't die, they wouldn't wilt

They were immortal in all their

Exactly what the prince envied
So he controlled the vase of
Fake flowers

Cloth and plastic
Flesh and blood

He wished he could become a
Fake flower or a teacup
With roses

So he'd be deemed to fragile
To do anything he'd just be
There for beauty

That'd be sad though
He's to blinded by false hopes
To realize that wouldn't happen
Nor would he be immortal

I am the king of fake flowers

Blood Rose || A Collection Of my Poetry: Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now