Im still human....

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In reality I love to shove my cruel,wicked, sharp claws into the backs of people around me
I love to control them like puppets and I can feel them yanking against my cruel chain but all I can do is laugh and fake pity

My humanity burned I fell from grace all I wanted was the end but suddenly I'm the puppet master it's truly tiring controlling
People 24/7

I can't believe I keep playing with their feelings
Like I'm a cat and them a mouse
Pushing away bringing closer so on so fourth

I even had to ask an ex how to end it.. they said don't apologize because it will seem like you didn't mean it so I tried letting him down gently into a bed of thorns and he didn't care much this time normally he cries and guiltrips

But I guess if I can feel just an ounce of Empathy and pitty I'm still human....

Blood Rose || A Collection Of my Poetry: Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now