Sweet tooth of a bittersweet Life

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Tooth ache

It's apparent my sweet tooth
As I chow down on sugar
To try to forget my sins

Cross around my neck
As if I'm a Christian and
Hardly a false profit

Black dresses to mourn
Who I had been

I even prefer gold over silver now

A ring on my ring finger has if
I were married

But instead it's a symbol of
I'm owned it's like a collar
On a hell hound almost

The man who owns me
Won't give his full attention
To me though

I'm just a dog afterall

Pretending I'm somebody
Completely new and not
That I'm entertaining a
Blood thirsty beast

As I always have

Same guy, different year

It's odd how I've created this
Persona but I still hear whispers
Of who I was has if I am still

Sweet tooth of a bittersweet
Life is what this is it seems
Sweet but the sting makes me
Wanna curl up and die

Surprise on who

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