Everything feels strange

6 0 0

Literally just ramblings

Kisses, mon ange

My heart is slowing

How do I admit to you?

Would it matter?

no, of course it wouldn't

Could you imagine?

Of course, of course

I think I've lost it

I can hardly think a thought

Everything is swarming

Like bloodsucking butterflies

Or something pretty but dark

Like the dead

Pretty, pale,and cold

Maybe even soft I don't know

Maybe the skin and flesh is so decayed
I could reach my hand into the corpses heart

I don't know does that seem correct?

I have no clue

All I do know is you look like a werewolf and God you look magnificent, mon amour.

How do I understand anything I don't even know

Everything feels strange

I'm not saying who the mentioned person is because they're so insignificant to this poem, it isn't about them it's about my inner turmoil.

I made this 22 hours ago and I unpublished it right away but I think this really shows the fact that I'm loosing it, I'm jumping straight into the abyss... like yesterday was hard... I learned new things, lots of people died.... it was fucked honestly and I can't even remember Most of yesterday, which is fucking weird

Blood Rose || A Collection Of my Poetry: Pt. 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora