Chapter 3 ♪

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(A/n: Just act like it's the next day, okay? 👌🏾)

I was lying on my bed. I was spaced out. I don't get it, why couldn't Camilo get the hint I like him? I sat up. "Stop thinking about him Y/n, he's not worth it." I mumbled to myself. I stood up and took off my dress, I changed into a yellow dress with a small pattern of white lines. It was comfortable. I walked over to my fanity and brushed out my hair and tied it into a tight bun. Shit. I had no hair pins. I'll go to the market in a bit. I sat there looking at myself. I had no motivation to do anything. I yanked off my shoes and slid on white sandals before leaving my room.

I walked down the first five stairs then jumped the rest. "Oh Y/n! You scared me, how was the ceremony?" Mama asked, beaming. I walked over towards her and reached in a cabinet for a cup, "It was good at first, but then it got boring." I lied. "Y/n, I'm your own mom, you can't lie to me. I know something happened," Mama pulled me into a tight hug. "Now tell me. I'll make some tea, go sit down on the couch." I nodded and went to sit down. Mama bent down and grabbed a tea bag. She heated up some water then poured it into a glass, she then put the tea bag into the glass of hot water. The tea bags flavor slowly dissolved.

Mama walked over to me, "Here you are darling." Mama handed me the glass of tea. I took a sip, but quickly jerked back due to the water burning my tongue. "Be careful, it's a little hot." Mama chuckled. "But I'm assuming you just noticed that." I laughed and nodded. Mama calmed down and stared at me with a serious face and nodded. I placed the glass of tea onto a wooden cup holder, "At first I met this really nice boy. His name is Camilo and he's part of the Madrigal family. He called me hermosa mama!" Mama gasped.

We giggled together. "Anyways, we talked and the ceremony went by. After Antonio got his gift of talking to animals and understanding them they all took a family photo except poor Mirabel wasn't included. Mirabel and I went to her room to talk and she even let me pick out a fabric that she's going to is for a skirt, the skirt is for me! We headed back to Antonios room to party some more, when I entered Dolores and Mirabel wouldn't let me face the dance floor, so when they asked if I wanted something a drink I said yes, they walked away, I turned around, yatta yatta, and I saw Camilo dancing with another girl." I finished.

"Oh bonita chica, he probably was just dancing with her because you weren't there." I shook my head, "I don't think so. Thanks for the tea though. Where's Allison?" I asked. "She's up in her room, she's a little grumpy." I nodded, "Thanks for the heads up." I grabbed the cup of tea and made my way upstairs. (Allison is   Y/n's older sister. Allison is lesbian and is 17.)

I reached Allisons room and knocked on the door, "Come in." Allison yelled. I opened the door and carefully closed it, "Hi Ali." Allison stood up and hugged me, "Hey y-y. I heard what happened with you and Camilo. He might be dreamy, but he's a boy. And boys are dicks." Allison spoke. I nodded, "Yeah, well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the market with me. I want some more hair clips, I'm out." I softly spoke. Ali beamed, "Of course I wanna go!" Ali nudged me, I giggled. "I wanna spend some quality time with my little sis." Ali kept nudging me till it tickled, we couldn't stop laughing.


We exited the house. Ali took time to pick out shoes and a dress, she wanted to look good just in case she ran into Mirabel. Ali has liked Mirabel for a while now, Ali says I'm lucky I get to hang out with Mirabel, but whenever I invite Ali to hang out with us she refuses to come. "Where's the market again?" I nervously laughed, scratching the back of my neck. "This way." Ali replied, grabbing my wrist and pulling me a long. "Ow, ow, ow! My wrist!" I yelled. Ali chuckled and rolled her eyes, "You're fine."

My favorite shapeshifter - Camilo encanto Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ