Chapter 22

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I opened my eyes. Did Camilo and I just kiss? Yes, yes we did. Camilo grinned, "Wanna go back down to town square?" He asked. "Sure, why not?" I replied.

Camilo held his hand out and looked up at me, gesturing for me to hold his hand. I reached for it and secured my fingers in between his. "No more fights?" Camilo asked. I nodded, "No more fights." I reassured him.

Camilo beamed.


Camilo and I walked into town square, our fingers interlocked. "What do you wanna do?" I asked. Camilo grinned a boyish grin and grabbed my forearm, pulling me over to everyone. "Dance!" I laughed, "Okay." I replied.

Camilo grabbed my hips and swayed his. We danced around for quite a while. Once the sun began to set, most people began to leave. Camilo and I stopped dancing and went to sit on to wooden logs next to Mia.

"Hey, I see you two have worked your problems out." Mia spoke. "Yep. It feels good." I replied. "Is that Dayana?" Camilo asked. "What?"

Camilo pointed to a girl dancing with Miguel, "Is she dancing with...Miguel?" He asked. "Yeah. Miguel was totally checking Dayana out on the dance floor! They went to dance more and pulled away from us, it was quite funny. Huh Y/n?" Mia spoke, explaining what happened.

I nodded, "Yeah it was pretty funny, but I do think they're cute together. What do you think, Camilo?" I asked. He shrugged, "I don't know." Mia and I glanced at each other. Camilo was at the edge of his seat, carefully watching Dayana and Miguel dance.

Miguel had his hands on her hips and was twirling her with his pointer finger on his right hand. Why was Camilo being like this? Doesn't he like me? I understand if he likes Dayana, I mean she's kind, beautiful, smart, but I thought he liked me.

I shook my head. I needed to stop thinking like that. We just kissed! That means he totally likes me, right? I don't know. Camilo is confusing, well not Camilo himself, his personality and attitude are.

Camilo barely blinked and didn't take an eye of the two. I rolled my eyes and sighed as I leaned back against the brick wall behind my log stool. Camilo didn't look back at me, he didn't speak, he just watched. Intensively.

He still likes Dayana, doesn't he? I mean he wouldn't act like this if he didn't like her. I stood up, "Bye. I'm leaving," I spoke, "I'm going to tell Dayana and Miguel I'm leaving."

I walked over to Miguel and Dayana, "I don't mean to interrupt, but just so you two know, I'm leaving. Dayana do you know where I live? You can make your way back if Mia doesn't wait for you, right?" I asked.

Dayana nodded, "I can remember! It's by that cute little bread shop where Camilo, you know- tripped you." Dayana responded, she was looking at her feet. "Tripped you?" Miguel spoke, busting into the conversation.

"Yeah." Miguel rolled his arms across his chest, "First he trips me by this exact water fountain and makes me bleed, now he tripped you! What an idiot!" Miguel spoke.

I laughed nervously. "She also started bleeding, on her forehead." Dayana added. Miguel shook his head, "I don't understand how you like him." Miguel spoke. "Right, well I'll see you later. Bye." I spoke, waving and turning around.


I was walking back to my house, by now I was half way there. Mia and Camilo were both with me. Once we got back to my house we departed ways with Camilo.

"Bye!" Camilo yelled at us. I waved goodbye and went into my house, holding the door open for Mia. "Thanks." Mia spoke, walking in. "No problem!"

"Mama! Mia and I got back, Dayana is still there though." I yelled. Mia and I waited for a response, but didn't get one. I brushed it off and made my way upstairs and to my room.

Mia closed the door behind us as I jumped on my bed. I looked out the window, it was beginning to get dark and the tree branches scrapped against my bedroom window as the cold wind blew against them.

I stood up and walked over to my window. "So, what'd you two do when you walked away from town square?" Mia asked. I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?" I asked, opening my window and leaning on the windowsill.

Mia sighed, "You know what I'm talking about! What did you and Camilo do when you both walked away together?" Mia spoke. I shut my eyes, "We kissed." I plainly said.

"What! Really? That's awesome! Y/n, how come you aren't happy?" Mia asked. The truth was I am happy and I was happy, but Camilo immediately switched his attention to Dayana while she was a dancing like we didn't kiss at all!

It wasn't my business though. I shouldn't be overthinking. "What do you mean? I am totally happy!" I spoke, turning around as I placed the best smile I could on my face.

Mia giggled. "What?" I asked. "Your face is red! You must be in looove." She spoke, stretching out the O. I rolled my eyes, "Right." I spoke, sarcastically. "You are! I can tell."

"I don't think so, sorry." I spoke, closing my window and sitting back on my bed. "Fine, well tomorrow Mariano, this guy in town who's totally obsessed with Isa, not in a bad way, but he's proposing to Isa at dinner tomorrow and I think you should come. What do you think?" Mia asked.

"Sounds pretty fun. I'll ask my ma, but I think she'll say yes. Is Dayana coming?" I asked. Mia nodded, "I'm pretty sure, why?" Mia asked.

"Well if she was coming it's just be easier for everyone! You, me, and herself. We could all just walk over there tomorrow. Anyways, I'm goin a get in my pajamas and head to bed, I'm really tired."

Mia nodded and held up a thumbs up, "Got it!"


Hey guys! Sorry for posting late, AGAIN! Anyways, did you guys like it? I hope you did!

Comment some ideas you want to happen between Y/n and Camilo (you don't have to)! And also comment some ideas that should happen between Dayana and Miguel (this one is completely optional!).


QUESTIONS (Section):

Who's your least favorite character?:

Are you enjoying the story so far? (Rate it with stars! Put the star emoji and put 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 depending on how much you like it so far!):

Do you have a nickname, if so what is it? (OPTIONAL):


I love all of the nice things you guys put and all the funny comments boost me to write more!

Stay gold.

My favorite shapeshifter - Camilo encanto Where stories live. Discover now