Chapter 26

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"Ahhh!" I screamed as I fell. I expected to hit something hard and crumple up in a pile, but something grabbed me. I opened my right eye slightly, I was scared to see what was happening.

Mia got a hold of me, "Don't worry, I got you Y/n." Mia spoke, reassuring me. I nodded and breathed for a few seconds. I was very relieved. "Help! Help! Please, help?" Mia yelled.

"Who are you yelling for?" I asked. Mia looked down at me, "That man." She responded. The man peered over the edge and looked at the situation. My eyes grew large as my heart pace raced up quickly. "What? What is it?" Mia asked, still looking at me.

She turned her head back around before she slightly jumped and screamed. "Too close! Too close!" The man backed up. "Here grab my hand." He spoke, holding his hand out for Mia to grab.

She grunted before speaking, "I can't. Both of my hands are occupied." The men bit his lip and looked around. I couldn't help but notice, that he looked more tired than I saw him before. He had large eye bags and his nose was slightly crooked. His voice was deep and would crack every few seconds, he was a scrawny little thing.

The man bent down towards me, "You. The one at the bottom, grab my hand." He spoke. "I'll try." I responded. I reached toward him and grasped his palm, "I got you! I'll pull you up now."

I pulled hard, determined to get up, but I pulled too hard and took him down with me. "AHHHHH!" He screamed. I squinted my eyes and bared my teeth, my ears hurt. Mia began to slip, "No, no, no! Guys, you're too heavy! I'm slipping!" She shouted.

I was panicking. What's going to happen? Are we all going to die? Will we fall into a deep pool with dangerous sea creatures surrounding us? I dug my fingernails into the man's skin as an attempt to hold him up. "Ow! That hurts!" He spoke. "Sorry, I'm trying not to drop you, gosh." I responded.

He sleeve moved violently. I furrowed my eyebrows, "What's with your sleeve?" I asked. He shrugged, "I don't know. Probably a mouse or something." He spoke. A mouse? Oh no, I hate those things! I'm scared of them.

Like he said, a mouse pranced out onto his arm, sniffing around it. I screamed and dropped him. "No, wait!" I screamed, realizing what I did. "Shit."

A few seconds of silence went by when something finally happened. The man stood up. HE STOOD UP, HE WAS ALIVE! Yes! He waved his sleeve around, reducing the amount of ground-fog. "Well I guess it's not as deep and scary as we thought." He spoke awkwardly.

I looked up at Mia, she was squinting her eyes and clenching her teeth together. She was trying so hard not to fall that I think she didn't even realize he even fell off. She was on the very tip of the bamboo piece.

I slightly tugged on her hand. I don't know why I did this, I really didn't. We fell in sync. Mia screamed, she didn't know we were falling a few feet, but I did. I wasn't scared. Well I was, only slightly though. I was scared of the impact.

What if I hit my stomach and I couldn't breath? What if I hit my back or neck and hurt them so I couldn't move? What if I break my nose or hurt my ankle or wrist?

I hit the ground with a soft thud. The ground was squishy, not like the normal ground in front of Casita. The grass was dead and looked like limp bodies being hung up, they were brown, this grass was not like the beautiful green healthy strands of the green covering everywhere in front of Casita.

Casita looked perfect. It looked like nothing could've ever been wrong. But that was all fake, all just a act. People were being mistreated and used, favoritism, and creepy men hiding in the walls. Encanto wasn't how it was like when I first met this family for the first time, when I first laid eyes on Camilo.

I stood up. We were in a tight space. The man was helping Mia up, "It's nice to see you two. Especially you," he pointed at Mia, "I had to leave when you weee just about to have your ceremony, for your own safety. It broke my heart to, but I did. I'm sorry." He spoke, cautiously holding her hand.

Mia smiled and nervously laughed, "I'm sorry, but..who are you?" She asked. I bit my lip as I suppressed a laugh. This was awkward. I didn't like it, it was very, very painful to watch.

The man chuckled, "Right! Of course you wouldn't remember me! Let me introduce myself, how about that?" He spoke. Mia nodded, "That sounds pretty good." She responded, pulling her hand away.

She looked at me and widened her eyes, signaling for help. I shrugged at her and thought of something to say. "Oh! Did you know, um- man with green poncho, that I, Y/n L/n, is Mia's best friend?" I asked, improvising.

He nodded, "That's nice," he spoke, turning back to Mia, "As I was saying, I'm Bruno! Your uncle!" Mia's mouth dropped open, she gapped at him for several seconds. The silence was loud, they just stared at each other.

"Why'd you leave, b-but never really, actually leave?" I asked, standing beside him. Bruno looked down at me, "I don't know. I never had a reason to really leave Encanto, plus those mountains surrounding Encanto are pretty tall." He replied quickly.

Mia and I glanced at each other before slightly laughing at Bruno's side remark. "I totally understand. I'm lazy and wouldn't want to leave my home either." I spoke, agreeing with Bruno's situation.

"Well it's nice to see you again, Tío Bruno." Mia spoke, leaning in and hugging Bruno. Bruno's face lit up with surprise. His cheeks grew rosy and he smiled, he leaned back in and hugged Mia back. He finally had someone to live again.




Stay gold.

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