Chapter 29

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"You just mess things up for yourself!" Mia yelled back, protesting. "What-" Isa screamed. A rippling sound echoed through out Isa's room, a small cactus with a red flower popped out of the ground.

I raised my eyebrows in shock. I looked at Mia then I looked at Isa. Isa's mouth was open, Mia was snickering. "Woah Isa. Not so perfect now, huh?"

Isa glared down at Mia, "I'll fucking crush you with my own feet right now." Isa spoke. I chuckled. Isa looked my way, giving me a deadly glare.

I smiled nervously before looking towards the ground, breaking eye contact. Mia crawled onto her knees before standing up fully. Isa directed her attention back to the cactus on the floor.

She walked over to it, bent down, and picked it up carefully from the bottom of the plant. Isa brang the cactus up to eye level as she examined it. "I wonder what else I can do, what else I can make. I'm tired of being perfect, if I can make a cactus, something that's not perfect, then I can make more things like this, right?" Isa asked, looking up at Mia and I.

Mia walked over to me and locked our arms together. "Yeah I guess." I spoke, shrugging. Isa smiled and turned around, she began to walk towards her pink and purple bed that was hung up by veins.

"Wait Isa! Where are you going?" Mia shouted. "You forgot to hug us!" Isa began walking her steps to her bed, once she reached the top she carefully placed the cactus down onto her bed.

Like little puppies following their owner, we raced after Isa. Isa looked at her hands before moving them swiftly through the air, conjuring a bouquet of flowers. But this time the flowers weren't pink and purple, they were a dark orange, lime green, grey, and blood red.

They also had paint splatter all over them. "I think I like this bouquet more than my usual bouquets." She spoke, smiling at her creation. Mia and I stood next to Isa. Mia reached out and took the bouquet out of Isa's hands.

I opened my arms and smiled, "C'mon Isa! Bring it in! Let's go."

(okay so I have no idea how to write this without Isa singing her song, and oh hell nah, I ain't making her sing. So I am very sorry, but I am not going to be writing this part. I'm just going to skip to Isa hugging Mia and Y/n on top of Casita. A.k.a. Casita's roof.)

Isa, Mia, and I were all covered from head to toe in paint as we stood on top of Casita's roof. We were all hugging. It worked! We all weren't angry or mad at each other.

The streets, houses, markets, shops, and roofs of every building in Encanto had unusual plants on top of them. They were crazy colors, they were pointy, they weren't normal. Isa liked that, she liked the feeling of unique things.

I released Mia and Isa, I turned around and looked over Encanto. People were on the ground as if they fell, babies were crying, a girl was covering her eye, it looked purple from a far,  and she sobbed.

What'd we do? "Um Mia," I mumbled. "Mia!" I shouted, spinning around. "What?" Mia asked, letting go of Isa. "I don't think we helped out the miracle. Look at the people, look at Casita, look at us." I spoke. Mia looked at me and then the town, our town.

"What happened? Why is everyone crying? What'd we do?" Mia spoke, her eyes rapidly scanning the land. "Alma." Isa mumbled.

"What?" I asked. Isa looked up at Mia and I as she raised her voice, "Alma, she's not going to be happy. She's not happy, look at her." Isa explained. I looked down to see Abuela, her hands were on her hips and her eyebrows were firm, her lips were also pressed together tightly, so tight a pink ring formed around her mouth.

"Ah shit. She's pissed," I spoke. "We gotta get down there! We can't be up here forever, let's go!" Isa nodded. We all turned around towards Bruno's tower, there was a thin and small pair of stairs there.

"What did you mean by the miracle Y/n? What do you mean by you didn't save it? It's fine." Isa asked. "Is it though?" Isa furrowed her eyebrows as Mia picked up the running pace.

We all began to descend the stairs carefully. "What do you mean by 'is it though'? I mean Casita's breaking, people aren't happy, Alma is worse than ever, but- oh my god, you're right! The miracle does need to be saved, and fast!" Isa spoke.

"Nah really?" Mia asked, sarcastically. "Shut up." Isa spoke, laughing. Mia smiled. We got down the stairs and were racing to the final flight of stairs we needed to climb down to get to the lowest level of Casita.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, Abuela walked through the doors, Luisa came out from behind a pillar, Camilo exited from the kitchen (Antonio accompanied him), and Felix and Pepa followed behind the two boys.

Isa ran off towards Luisa. Mia and I stood in the middle, our fingers into locked with each other's. "Why? Why would you two do this? What have you two done!" Abuela screamed.


Hey guys! Sorry for posting late and for the short chapter. I just want to end on a cliffhanger!

As you could see from the top of the chapter, I put a warning for the cursing. Do you want me to continue doing that or not put a warning? PLEASE TELL ME!

Anyways, I love you guys sm and I want you all to have a wonderful day/night/morning/afternoon, whatever! Thank you for all of the views, votes, and comments!

Stay gold.

My favorite shapeshifter - Camilo encanto Where stories live. Discover now