Chapter 15

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                           —Y/NS POV—

I was at my house. I walked home as Mia and Camilo were talking; Miguel and I parted ways a while ago.

I don't know what got into Camilo, he wasn't himself. He might not like me being friends with a boy that's not him, but he's gonna have to deal with it.

He's an amazing person and he's really sweet, but I'm not gonna ditch Miguel just for Camilo.


I was walking up the stairs when I noticed something. A green glow was being produced from under Ali's door. I furrowed my eyebrows and went to knock on her door.

"Hold on! Don't come in!" Ali yelled. What was she doing? I heard rustling and a lot of prancing around the room till Ali finally opened the door for me, "Hey Y-y, whatcha need?" Ali asked.

"I need to know why there was a green flow under your door? Are you hiding something in here?" I asked, putting my head into her room and looking all over. There was nothing of the ordinary except for her pillow.

"What do you mean there wasn't a green glow coming from my room and I'm not hiding something!" Ali responded. "Plus why don't you trust me? I'm your own sister!"

It looked like something was stuffed into the bottom of the pillow case, plus a green glow was being emitted from it. "Ah ha! You are hiding something!" I shouted, pointing at her pillow.

"What's in there?" I asked, looking up at Ali. Ali leaned on the doorframe so I could no longer see her pillow and gritted her teeth, "There. Is. Nothing." Ali spoke, pausing after every word.

"Ali just let me see what it is! Please, I won't tell anyone, I promise!" I whined. Ali rolled her eyes and sighed, "Fine, but you can't tell anyone! Especially Mirabel, okay?" Ali asked. I bit my lip and nodded.

I wanted to know what she was keeping from me. Was it money? A new skirt or pants? Was it wood of some sort? Why didn't she want me telling Mia? Ali walked over to her pillow and pulled out multiple pieces of glowing green glass.

The prophecy? She took the prophecy, she's the one who took it? How could she get it though, why was she sneaking in the Madrigal household while everyone else was sleeping?

I felt mad. Ali took the prophecy from us when we clearly wanted it hidden. "Why?" I asked. Ali looked at me, "W-" Ali began, but I cut her off. "Why'd you take the prophecy from Mia and I? That's ours! It took gut and bravery for us to get that! Give it back right now Ali!" I shouted, walking over to Ali with my hands opened, ready to take the prophecy back.

"No! I'm not giving it back! It's dangerous, do you see what it saying to you? You and Mia are in front of a crumbling Casita! A crumbling Casita! That's all of Encantos magic right there! You two were just hiding it under a cloth not doing anything about it, letting Casitas magic fade!" Ali shouted back. I shook my head, "You're wrong. Casita isn't crumbling, Casita is cracking! And Casitas fate isn't decided yet, neither are Mias and mine! That means Casita magic and power isn't fading yet!" I explained.

Ali rolled her eyes, "You're the person who's wrong!" I stomped my foot, "Give it back or I will tell Mia!" I spoke. Ali was breathing very heavily, "You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" Ali replied. "Yeah that's when I thought it was gonna be something harmless, but it turns out my own sister stole stuff from me and my best friend. It belongs to us! Now give it back!" I shouted.

Ali looked down and the prophecy and back at me. "Why do you want it so bad?" She asked. "Why? Why! That prophecy is how we know what and how we're gonna save Casita!" I replied.

"Oh yeah?" Ali asked. I nodded my head reassuringly, "Yeah!" Ali pursed her lips, "Tell me then, tell me how your gonna say Casita." Ali spoke, folding her arms, hiding the prophecy in her arms.

I looked around with a guilty expression on my face, "Look I don't know right now, but I will when I get with Mia again! Just give it! I'm tired of fighting." I spoke.

"Fine! But I will take when I get the chance, it's not safe for someone so young like you to have this in your possession." Ali spoke, carefully placing the prophecy in my hands. Yes! I got it!

"We're only two years apart Ali!" I spoke. Ali rolled her eyes and walked out. I'm telling Mia. I know I promised Ali I wouldn't but come on! What would I say, "Oh yeah I found this outside in your yard," or "This was being sold at the market," or "Some kid was carrying it around in a basket and I bought it off him," there's no way I'm saying any of those excuses!

Mia would know immediately I was bluffing. I walked into my room and wrapped the prophecy up in some extra fabric that was lying around and I stuffed it under my bed. I was gonna take of the prophecy tomorrow, in the mean time I needed some rest.

I haven't sleep in a proper bed for 24 hours, the sleeping bag wasn't too bad, but if I have another sleep over at the Madrigal household I'm definitely not sleeping on the ground again. I changed into my silky, blue night gown and took of my shoes. I walked over to the window shill.

I rested my elbows on it and looked outside. The sky was a orange color, the sun was setting, and folks were bustling about the streets trying to get home in time. I was tired of today, the sale was big and Miguel and Camilo were a handful, fighting with Ali made me even more tired.

Today wasn't the most ideal day I could've asked for. I waved goodnight to a few people and smiled before walking over to my bed: slipping in, closing my eyes, and letting darkness consume me.


This chapter was a little late, but I feel like it was pretty good! I wanted to show how Ali and Y/n don't always have a perfect relationship and that they do fight.

Now who thought Ali was gonna be the one with the prophecy? Who did you guys think was gonna be in possession of the prophecy?

I felt like this chapter was interesting and had some surprises! Did you guys like it? I hope you did!

Stay gold.

My favorite shapeshifter - Camilo encanto Where stories live. Discover now