Chapter 19

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Ali breathed some deep breaths then walked into the building. I slowly walked up to it and peered through a broken window. Ali was sitting down on a stool, there were a few people inside. There was a man behind the counter pouring glasses of beer and alcohol.

He had a long white beard and black hair with strokes of white in it, he wrinkles all over his face from aging, and he was wearing black jeans with a maroon shirt. He walked over to Ali, "Do you have it?" He asked. Ali shook her head, "No, my sister took it from me."

Huh? What'd I take? The prophecy. She stole the prophecy for this old bum? But why would Ali do that? "What! You said you'd have it last time we met up!" He shouted at Ali. A few men in the bar stood up and proceeded to the other room, some stayed because they were so drunk they couldn't move.

Ali looked down, "Listen James," Ali spoke. "Give me a piece of paper and a pen, I'll give you my address so you can try to get the prophecy from my sister yourself. She's tough, she won't give it up easily." Ali explained. James nodded, turned around, and open a drawer. He was rummaging through the drawer, I couldn't quite see so I had to step on an old box.

It looked sturdy, but I was quickly proven wrong when it cracked under my weight. It was quite a loud crack so when Ali whipped her head around I was prepared to duck. I waited a few minutes before looking back through the broken window. James was done looking through the door and gave Ali a piece of lined paper and a black, ball-pointed pen.

"Thanks." Ali spoke, unscrewing the cap off of the pen and writing on the piece of paper. Why was she doing this? This single move could get her killed! It could kill me, Mama, Papa, all of Encanto practically! I didn't stick around for any longer, I ran. I ran fast.

I knocked into a few people as I was running, but I did help them up all the same. In the process of running I lost the napkins Dayana lended to me and my forehead burned from sand getting into the cut.


I reached my house and knocked on the door, I looked around to make sure Ali or James weren't following me. Mama opened the door. "Mama! I-" I began. "What happened to your head?" Mama asked, pulling me inside and shutting the door. "That doesn't matter!" I responded, frantically.

"Yes it does, sit down, niñita." She spoke, pointing to the couch. I followed her instructions and sat down. "Mama! Listen to me!" I spoke. "I am." She replied.

I explained the whole situation, but Mama wasn't convinced. She wasn't convinced when I told her it was Ali, when I told her there was an old man in there, when I told her Ali was giving away out address to a random person. "That wasn't Ali, trust me. I know my Allison." She spoke.

I rolled my eyes, "If you say so." I spoke, standing up to leave, but Mama stepped in front of me before I could escape. "Ah-Ah-Ah. You're not leaving until I clean up that cut." Mama spoke. I sighed and turned around to sit back down on the couch, "It might take a while since it's a pretty big cut, turn on the TV." Mama spoke, handing me the remote. I took it and turned it on, flipping to multiple channels before finding an interesting show to watch.

Mama cleaned my cut, it seemed like she went through three tissue boxes, and like four paper towel rolls! The table was caked in used towels and tissues, Ali still hadn't came home and it began to get dark. Mama insisted that Ali was up in her room solving puzzles or dancing. But I knew that wasn't where Ali really was.


"Okay Y/n, sleep good tonight and stop snooping in Ali's business." Mama spoke, standing up and grabbing all of the empty tissue boxes and paper towel rolls. "Mhm, goodnight." I spoke, standing up and walking over to the kitchen door.

I opened it and began to climb the stairs, I reached my room and walked in. "Mia?" I asked. Mia was sitting on my bed, picking her nails. Right as I said her name she looked up, "Y/n!"

Why was she here? "Hi, what are you here exactly?" I asked. Mia stood up and walked over to me, "I'm so sorry." She spoke. Sorry? Sorry for what? "What do you mean? You didn't do anything to me." I replied. "No, I mean like I'm sorry what Camilo did you you. Dolores told me about it, I told Julieta, Julieta told Pepa. Camilo's in big trouble now, in fact he's grounded and Dayana is really pissed." She explained.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. My mama took care of it, not the situation, but my cut. Dayana seems really sweet. I thought she only comes once a year, that's what Camilo told me at least." I asked, hugging Mia. Mia hugged back, "She normally come here once a year, but Camilo was pissed at you for some reason and invited her to come back. She actually bought a house, well not her exactly. Her family." Mia replied.

"Yeah I know what you meant," I spoke, "Well why are you here?" I asked. "Right well Dayana and I are really mad at Camilo and don't want to be around him right now so I came to ask if we could have a sleepover here." Mia explained.

Sleepover? That'd be awesome! And really fun, but if Dayana and Mia both are mad at Camilo and they want to have a sleepover here then where is Dayana? "Yeah you guys can! That'd be really mad, but where's Dayana?" I asked.

Mia looked to the side of my dresser and held a thumbs up behind her back. Dayana walked out, "Hi."


Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter and sorry for taking a while to post this chapter, also it wasn't that packed with information or interesting events, but I thought it was okay!

How did you guys like it? What do you think about Ali's random change in attitude and James?


QUESTIONS (section)

What'd your sexuality? (optional):

Who's your two favorite characters?:


Stay gold.

My favorite shapeshifter - Camilo encanto Where stories live. Discover now