Chapter 27

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Bruno lived in a tight space. His room was full of dusty furniture, rats, old games like checkers and monopoly, and he even had a pile of dirty socks in a corner.

"This is where you live?" Mia asked, she had a tint of disgust in her voice. Bruno walked over to a red seat and fell into it, "Ahh. Yes, this is where I live. Wonderful, isn't it?" He asked.

I bared my teeth and nodded, "It's awesome!" I responded, laughing awkwardly. "Anyways, what do you do back here? I mean, there doesn't seem like there could be much to do." Mia asked.

I nodded in agreement. Bruno stood up and grinned, "Oh there's plenty to do! Let me show you." He walked over to a little table directly across from his red seat, it was a little stage. Some mice scrambled onto it as he held up little scenes on a tiny piece of cardboard.

The first cardboard was a piece with two microphones, the background was a red curtain: I assumed they were on a stage. The mice stuck their heads through the wholes, "I love this channel. Their stars, obviously." Bruno spoke, he dropped that cardboard piece and replaced it with another one.

This piece had two people sitting at a dinner table, one was a woman and the other a man. Every part of them was viable except for their heads, they were cut out. The mice stuck their heads through the holes on this one just like the one before, "Ah, their love could never be." Bruno spoke, closing his eyes and leaning back.

"How long have you been back here?" I blurted out. I was concerned for Bruno if I was being honest, and I was being honest. Bruno looked up at me, "About ten years, why?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know why I asked." I lied, shrugging. Mia and I glanced at each other. She knew why I asked, I know she did.

Bruno nodded and stood up, "Well, it was nice having you, but you know. I kinda want some time for myself and the rats." Bruno spoke, laughing nervously along. Mia nodded, "Well nice talking to you too. Bye!"

I grabbed her arm as she attempted to exit, "Wait," I spoke, turning to Bruno, "How was that prophecy created? I know you have to do with it some how, I can just feel it."

Bruno raised his eyebrows and quickly diverted his eyes away from mine, "Prophecy? What? W-what is- um that?" He lied. Mia looked him up and down, "Tell us."

I glanced around, the prophecy was on a little table that had a plate painted onto it, at the bottom it had marked in black paint, "Bruno".  I walked over to the table and rested my hand carefully on it.

Bruno bit his lip, silenced himself, and hung his head low. Mia walked over to me and stared at the painted plate. Her mouth was slightly open, her eyebrows were bent, and she was blinking at a rapid speed.

I noticed that the wall beside the table had a tiny cut through it, I peered through it, curious on what was on the other side. My mouth dropped open. It was the dining room. I was staring through the family portrait.

I quickly turned around, "Bruno." He looked up, "Yes?" He asked. I began to fidget with my fingers, "Why'd you leave, but never really leave?" I asked.

Bruno stood up, "Well you know, I love my family. I couldn't leave them." He replied. "We can fix the miracle." Mia mumbled. I turned around, "What?" I asked. Mia looked up at me and the looked at Bruno, "You made that prophecy didn't you? That's why you left! Because you saw that prophecy!" Mia spoke.

Bruno nodded, "Yeah, I did make that prophecy, but how would that fix the miracle? It doesn't make sense!" Bruno responded. Mia shook her head, "How! How did you make that prophecy? We have to make another one, an answer to the miracle. And we have to do it now!"

We heard some pots clattering and a grunt. Mia and I turned around, "Antonio?" I spoke. Antonio looked up at me and smiled, "The rats told me everything!.....Don't eat that!" He spoke.

His tiger paused in his footsteps and backed away from three mice he was about to eat.

"Well I'm gonna need a lot of space." Bruno spoke. Mia, Antonio, and I looked at each other and nodded.


Bruno had a large bucket of sand and was pouring the contents into a large circle. We decided to use Antonio's room. It had a big area to work with so it was perfect. Mia and I sat in the circle patiently.

Once Bruno finished pouring the circle he came into the circle and poured tiny mountains in front of either of us, he then threw the bucket aside. "Are you two ready?" Bruno asked.

Mia and I looked at each other, nodded, and grabbed each other's hands. Bruno got into a criss-cross position and closed his eyes.

A green glowing bubble formed around us, it was just like the prophecy's. Bruno opened his eyes. It showed the prophecy of Mia and I again. Wait? But shouldn't this be different? I was confused.

Mia was too, I could tell. "Why is it the same?" I asked, yelling. "I don't know!" Bruno shouted back at me. We all watched for a few seconds, "Look for something different! Something different from the first prophecy, maybe that could help us." I spoke.

Mis and Bruno nodded at me. I smiled, proud of myself. We looked and glanced everywhere, but I just couldn't spot anything out of the ordinary.

Until Mia shouted and pointed at a yellow butterfly moving in a circle around the bubble, "I found it! It's right here! Keep the prophecy going. Keep. It. Going."


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this short chapter! It was a few minutes late to being posted on time, but I think I did a pretty good job!

Questions (section):
What do you like about Y/n?:

Is your favorite and least favorite characters still the same? If not who are your new favorite and least favorite?:



Stay gold.

My favorite shapeshifter - Camilo encanto Where stories live. Discover now