Light's False Accusation

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You were having trouble sleeping, since you had a nice nap earlier. You couldn't help but think about the troubles that you would face in the near future.

Is the video going to be broadcasted tonight or tomorrow?

You check the main news stations; nothing is coming up. You decide to prepare to sleep, but a screen with the name KIRA shown on screen in front of a shiny yellow background.

"I am Kira. The true Kira. The one who was broadcasting on Sakura TV several days ago is a pretender, a fake. The purpose of this message is to communicate my will to this imposter. " The fake news broadcast started out.

"I am choosing to be lenient with him for the time being because I believe he wishes to cooperate with me on the creation of the new world, but I want to make it absolutely clear that the taking of innocent lives is against my will." The broadcast made by Light continued.

"If this person claiming to be me is truly sympathetic to my cause and wishes to be of some help, I ask two things of him. I ask you to refrain from killing aimlessly and agree to abide by my basic principles. " The end of the announcement played

That was longer than expected, and it seems like the task force didn't waste any time.

Although you weren't tired, you attempted to go to sleep. However, it was a futile attempt.

The next day, after getting ready, you arrived 10 minutes late. Slowly walking into the room with a slight stumble in your step, it was clear that you didn't have a nice night.

The slight eye bags under your eyes showed that as well. You yawn and make your way towards Light to check out the situation involving the videotapes.

"Hey guys" you greet everyone unenthusiastically.

"Hello N/n" Light greets you, but by the tone of his voice, it seems like he has something else on his mind.

What's up with him?

"Why are you so tired? Was this because of Ryuzaki? " Light asked, unable to hide the anger hidden in his voice.

Does he think I stayed up all night... because of L? What nonsense is he talking about?

"What the hell are you talking about, Light?" You sigh, rubbing your temples, unable to put up with his anger right now.

You were also feeling very irritated, due to the lack of sleep. You were ready to fight him.

"Did you and Ryuzaki have fun last night? Because you seem awfully tired, "Light said, loud enough for only the two of you to hear.

He thinks I slept with L?

"Oh boy, I wish," you whisper to yourself.

"I'm actually staying at the hotel. Ryuzaki and I are living separately. I was just joking around," you tell Light, clearing up the misunderstanding.

"I see," Light replied with a sigh of relief.

"Anyways, about the stealing. Don't blame me, okay? It was once, and it was a prank. "You tell Light... aka: Kira

Light has put in some thought about what you confessed to. He knew that you were technically qualified to be on the death note, but he couldn't do that. Besides, it's not like you were convicted. He didn't really mind what you did, as long as you didn't reveal his identity or try to get in his way.

Little did he know, it was actually his parents' belongings. And you were being very generous by not taking a lot. Light brushed off your confession; he didn't want to make a big deal out of a small issue like this.

Everybody was gathered around the computer, awaiting the reply from the second Kira. As expected, Watari received the video tape and sent it over to the task force.

"Kira, thank you for your reply. Please do not worry. I will follow orders and do as you say. I really want to meet you. I don't think you have the eyes. But you don't have to worry. I would never try to kill you. That's a promise, "the voice coming from the computer announced loudly.

"What's this having the eyes supposed to mean? Is it a code? " Aizawa asked, confused.

"Yeah.." Matsuda was also confused.

The room subtly looked your way, silently asking for an answer.

You shrug, making a zipping movement towards your lips to show that you didn't have anything to say on this topic.

"Please tell me how I can meet you without the police knowing. You'll think of something. When we meet, we can confirm our identity by showing our shinigamis to each other. " After the announcement was made, it left the room shocked and confused.

You quickly, yet discreetly, arrived behind L, to catch L from his sudden fall, due to his fright.

As you expected, a sudden noise interrupted the conversation between all the detectives

"AHHHH!" L put his hands in the air, at the sudden mention of a shinigami.

You quickly grabbed the back of L's chair. Grabbing his arm to get a sturdier grasp of him,

"Ryuzaki!?" The task force all yelled in concern.

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