New Phone

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2 month time lapse—

Over the two month time period, you grew both mentally and physically. For the majority of the time, you just sat back and watched the investigation, since you couldn't really do much.

It's been two months since I last saw Ryuk. I'm curious where he is... you sigh

You were looking forward to meeting up with Ryuk. Based on your past meeting with him, he seemed to start opening up to you a lot more. He also informed you a few things about the notebook after you gave him apples. The both of you talked as if you'd been friends for a while.

During this time, you often met with L and Light. L often seemed depressed. You tried to make him feel better, which, from your point of view, seemed to work. While Light continued the attempt to get Misa to leave him alone and get closer to you. L wasn't going to let that happen, interjecting at every slight remark Light would make towards you.

You and Misa stayed in the same room. You both got along surprisingly well. At first, the main topic between the two of you started off being about Light. You tried to encourage Misa to leave Light, but it was a futile attempt.

However, she slowly started talking about other things other than Light. Both you and Misa went to modeling shoots together. You did pretty well, considering this was your first job here. The photos that L submitted to the modeling agency were only photos of you working out, none of which included your face.

He did this since he didn't know if Kira would attempt to kill you. Despite this, you still became a slightly popular model.

Before you started, you had an idea that went surprisingly well. 

You offered to wear a mask when you modeled, which would cover the area around your eyes, leaving your mouth and nose visible.

The idea seemed bizarre to many, and was quickly put down. You tried to reason with everyone, letting everyone know the benefits of having more people support you since they would want to see your face. This would also benefit the company, so eventually they ended up agreeing.

After a few photoshoots, you steadily climbed the ranks. You weren't as popular as Misa, but you were getting there.

After the both of you arrive back at the headquarters,

"N/n!" Misa tugs on your arm, attempting to get your attention.

"Hm?" You look at Misa in confusion.

"I think..." Misa started off.

Before Misa could continue, Matsuda came running over towards the both of you.

"N/n!" Matsuda called out

Misa looks back, annoyed.

"Can't you see we were having a conversation!" Misa yelled at Matsuda

"What is it?" You asked Matsuda, annoyed.

"Can you please try to cheer up Ryuzaki? He seems happier when he's with you. Today he seems to be acting even more depressed, " Matsuda said.

"Seriously? You interrupted us for this? So what if he's sad, we were talking!" Misa told Matsuda.

"It's alright Misa, besides Light will be there," you informed Misa. Light would be with L regardless.

Misa looked like she had forgotten about him. It seems like she's slowly becoming more hesitant, which was a great sign of progress for you.

Regardless, Misa's infatuation with Light wasn't something that could be shaken off so easily.

"Okay, we'll go," Misa announced, grabbing your arm.

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