17: Miran, Miran, Miran

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1620 hours left. 55 minutes. 23 seconds.

3 months left.

"Teach me to fight like you."

You tilt your head at Jungkook's words while he stands in the box ring, looking down at you from where you stand outside of it.

"You want to fight...like me?" Did you hear wrong?

"Yes," he nods firmly at your question as he wraps the hand wrap around his fist, already getting ready. "You fight well, Y/N-ssi, and I only learn from the best."

"I'm the best?" Your lips forms into a cute circle but he doesn't see it. Of course he doesn't see it, it's hidden beneath your mask. But with the tone of your voice, he chuckles knowingly. "I'm honored, Jungkook-ssi. But what do I get in return?"

The man scoffs at your reply, not expecting that. "What do you want? Extra money? A car? A better home?"

"No, no, none of that," you quickly say. "I can't drive and I'm fine with my living space. Plus money doesn't satisfy me."

He raises a brow. "Then what?"

"Teach me to wield that thing."

"What thing?"

"You know, that thing the guy Moon Woobin shot me with? The uh..." you clap your hands, remembering it, "the gun!"

"Gun? You want to wield a gun?"

"Yeah," you say so nonchalantly and it almost surprises him.

But then again, he's speaking to someone you ran right in front of a flying bullet so it doesn't surprise him that much. "Alright," Jungkook decides, "I'll teach you."

He smiles at the way you jump with excitement.




It reminds you of your daily spares with Jungkook back in the Underworld.

Lord Jungkook is powerful and much stronger but Earth Jungkook is persistent and never gives up even if he fails more than once.

He gets back on his feet and learns until his body wears him down. He acknowledges your strength and wisdom, and acknowledges that he isn't as great of a fighter as you are.

Lord Jungkook may be stronger but Earth Jungkook doesn't give up and it's between the lines that reminds you that you are looking at the same person.

Perhaps the previous Lord Jungkook, before he was so great and powerful, had been more weak but willing to learn with resilience.

So you smile to yourself, feeling as if you are learning a new side to Jungkook. Both Jungkooks.




"You know, our previous bodyguards have never once skipped around these halls, giggling like a creep."

"Well lucky for you it isn't as dull and boring anymore."

"Excuse me?" Yoongi stares at you without amusement but you just shrug with a light smile and although he can't see that, he knows you're smiling.

"I mean, you can use the lively energy around here, you know."

He rolls his eyes and returns to his desk filled with paperworks. "Don't bother me."

"Whatever you say, Mr. Min~" you singsong and for some reason, Yoongi finds himself needing to hide a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

You're right. You do happen to make things a little brighter around here.





1460 hours left. 23 minutes. 47 seconds.

2 months left.

"May I ask a question?"

"Go on, since you already had the audacity to ask one."

You want to roll your eyes and give a remark at Yoongi's reply but decide not to that day. After all, time is ticking and you need to ask this question first.

"Is there a reason why you hired me? Just solely me, one bodyguard, to protect the seven of you. Do you not worry that I may not be able to protect all of you at the same time if something goes wrong?"

They're silent at the questions you drop their way and the papers are being ignored in a split second. You stand where you are, watching them all to try and understand. The Lords of the Underworld had a purpose, every God had a shield and naturally the one you are to protect first and foremost is Namjoon, God of the Underworld, the others came second. But even so, you can understand having just one shield.

After all, they were powerful Lords who can handle things on their own if they want to. But you doubt in a situation where things goes out of hand here in this life, they will be able to protect themselves fully without getting hurt during the process.

Fate must have put you in the exact spot for a purpose. Perhaps because you were born a protector, to be their shield, but you still want to hear out their reasons.

"Because you are stronger than anyone else, why else?" Jungkook shrugs nonchalantly but you don't believe it.

"Still, having more than one bodyguard around will be more convenient, no?" You point out. "After all, most times you aren't together and I have to go with a specific person, worrying about whether the others are in danger or not."

"Why fret about that? We can take care of ourselves and you as one is already made up of six other bodyguards. And besides, we didn't hire only you for the purpose of forcing you to protect the seven of us in case of danger."

You frown. "Then why?"

"Like Seokjin says, we can take care of ourselves," Hoseok tells you. "Your job, in case Miran is ever around during the case of danger, is to ignore our safety and locate her to safer grounds."

Miran, Miran, Miran.

It's only about Miran.

Of course it's only about Miran. If you were their girlfriend, you'd be happy with them saying such things but you aren't and you're not Miran. You won't need protection when you're protection yourself.

Unlike Miran, you can fight the bad guys instead of cowering in fear.

Unlike Miran, you're stronger and braver and much more courageous.

What do they see in her anyways?

You want to get mad and you know you're already jealous at the loss of your lovers taken away from you but as always, your feelings are forced to hide under your mask. You wish they can see things in Kai's perspective.

But it isn't right, it isn't the time.

So you simply nod at Hoseok's words, not wanting to upset yourself any further.

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