22: Don't leave me

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1110 hours left. 23 minutes. 55 seconds.

2 months left.

"That thing can fly us all the way to this Kyoto place?"

At this point they aren't surprised anymore but Namjoon nods as he boards the private plane and the others follows along.

You take a seat near a window, duties discard from your thoughts as everything around you fascinates you. The cushions are so comfortable and your legs dangles where you sit because it's a little higher for your height.

They find it cute.

You aren't a bit scared when the plane begins to move and soar into the sky, little gasps of awes and astonishment fills you as you watch the sky where Seoul lays below you before the plane reaches the clouds and flies above the vast sheet of white.

It's the first time they hate the fact that you are wearing a mask because they want to see how you look but knowing it's impossible, they let it go to try and focus on their work.

The ride is long, almost four hours, and when it sets at its destination, work is immediate to follow day after day for three hours straight.

You aren't fond of it especially since you thought being in another place will make things a little more fun but it isn't. It's just more work but you know you can't complain much. After all, it's a business trip solely for business.

So you find yourself distracted many times, lost in your own thoughts and simply forgetting that you are a bodyguard. There are many occasions where you accidentally bump into someone because they've stopped walking and you hadn't realized.

They know something is wrong and Jimin worries more, the thought of the many nights before still in his head, unable to clear away from his memories.

It hurts him a bit, having heard your soft cries and not being able to do anything about it. He had contemplated on walking back to you but if you cried, it would mean taking your mask off and he knows you're not comfortable taking it off around him or anyone else.

All but Kai.

That little brat who's already won your heart.

But then again, why is he caring so much when there's Miran? Why hasn't he been able to think much about her lately? The other guys were no problem for him, after all, they've been around longer than Miran and are physically around more than her. But he still doesn't get why you're so intriguing.

When there is an hour long break on the fourth day and they take a stroll on a path that is filled with cherry blossoms, your excitement runs through the roof.

"Oh my gosh, they're so pretty!" You squeal as you run in front of them, twirling yourself around as cherry blossoms falls all over.

Jimin can finally be relieved for that moment seeing you like this and as he eyes the others, smiles tugs at each of their lips from just watching you falling in love with the blossoming trees.

"Hey, hey, take a picture for me will you? For memories," you say as you run up to Taehyung, completely forgetting about courtesy and respectful manners as you take his hand and drag him to a certain tree.

"You don't have a phone," he points out but you don't care.

"Take it on your phone and send it to me on email or something."

Again, he points out, "You don't have an email."

Your brows creases a little and he knows you're pouting. "Just take it!" It comes out whiny and cute and the man has no heart to deny you as he takes out his phone and you squeal again with excitement.

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