Hermosa (Camilo x reader (long-ish)

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Your name is y/n Marcos, and you live in a family of 4, including your mother, father, and sister, who is 8. You are about 14 y/o. 

Your thoughts will be in this italic. 

 Intro:  You have just moved into your new home, because of the fire that burned down your old town, and your family has been unpacking boxes for days. You have wandered around the town, curious about who lives there. Most neighbors won't stop gossiping about his one house down the street. The house was beautiful, enchanted, and filled with every color you could imagine. After over-hearing a convo about the family there, you came to understand that a HUGE family, called the Madrigals live there. The house contained an Encanto, which gave each family member a gift. Yet there was more gossip that one teen that was living in the house had not gotten a gift...

Y/N POV:  As I was in my new room I unpacked various outfits from the boxes we used to transport our belongings to our new home. I was still upset about losing our home, yet I wanted to look at this as an opportunity to make new friends and make better decisions. As I was put away various jackets and sweaters, I noticed a young boy, probably around 5-7 playing outside,  around a multitude of animals. The boy was giggling and looked like he was under no harm. Even though there clearly was a tiger right in front of him. I looked up and out the window to get a better view of the playful boy and see the house. The casita, as many people around the town, called it. That was the house of the enchanted family, that each had their own gift. Guessing from the way the animals acted around the boy, I would suppose that he has the gift of communicating with animals.  As I backed away from the window, I saw a figure standing by my door. " AH, oh mom, it's just you. Do you need something?" I exclaimed  " No... but uhm, who are you looking at out there?" My mother said.  " Oh. Well, the family next door, the Madrigals, you know them, I was just watching one of their kids. Look at him, mom! playing peacefully with monkeys and tigers. What an awesome gift!!!"   " Haha, yes that is very cool. But ya know what would be even cooler?" " What?" I responded, questioning my mom. " IF YOU COULD FINISH PACKING!"  " Ok relax I will."  I should finish packing, or I'm gonna receive a whopping...

NEXT DAY:  I woke up with the blinding sun hitting my eyes through the glass window of my bedroom. I attempted to turn around and fall back asleep, yet I couldn't. I sighed and got up. I yawned, stretched, and walked around my room to fully wake up. I went towards the window and shut the curtains. The room turned dark. The sun was my only source of light. I walked over to the light switch and flipped it up.  I walked over to some more boxes on the ground and unpacked three more. I came across an old dress and hung it over my shoulder, knowing I will be putting it on later. After unpacking the rest of the boxes, I went down the stairs of my new home and saw my mother and sister, in the kitchen, making tamales for later. " Good morning, Mija."  My mother said.  " morning mom. "   " Hey Amelia" ( your sister's name) " Good morning, dork." 

" Whatever." I snapped back to her.  I took some blueberries that were washed on the counter and stuffed them in my mouth.  I ran back upstairs to get dressed. I was planning on adventuring the town, and maybe taking a walk up to the Casita and introduce myself to the Madrigals.  Once I reached my door, I  opened the door and leaped onto my bed.  I sprung off the mattress and put on the dress I had hung over my shoulder earlier. I grabbed it off the bed and stood in front of the mirror, looking at all the pretty patterns and colors on the dress. I took off my PJs and slipped the dress on.  I looked at myself in the mirror in awe. I looked pretty good. I twirled around my room like a ballerina. I slipped on some platform shoes and tied them up, right above my ankle.  I  sprayed a vanilla-scented perfume on my neck and left my room. As I trodded down the stairs, My mom asked, " Where are you going, Mija?"  " Just going to take a walk around the town mom, don't worry about me."   " Ok then, stay safe."    " I will." I responded.

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