'Hermosa' Pt 8

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After a fun night, I woke up in Camilo's bed, looking around for a clock, or something to tell me what time it was... I found my phone laying on the floor next to my shoes. I picked it up and checked the time.     11:37!!!    It was the afternoon already, and I was still at Camilo's, sleeping. I checked my notifications. 17 missed calls. 19 messages. All from my mother. After seeing those, I quickly threw on Camilo's shirt and shorts and woke him up. " Ngh" Camilo groaned as I tried to wake him up. " BABE! IT'S 11:40 I HAVE TO GO!!" I alerted him. After hearing that news, he shot up from the bed and looked at his phone.  11:41 was what the phone read.  After he got up on his feet, he ran downstairs, in just pants, and grabbed me a cookie that was left on the table from earlier, when his family had breakfast. I was still in his room, talking to my mom on the phone while Camilo got dressed. When he was ready, I hung up the phone, assuring my mother I lost track of time, and that we didn't DO anything, and that I would be right there.  As soon as I hung up, Camilo grabbed me by the thighs, pulling me up to his chest, and ran down the stairs with me. His family had been in the garden with Isabela, planting new flowers. As he raced out the door with me in his arms, they saw us outside the house and waved us down. I waved back but Camilo kept running, in fear that i wouldn't be able to see him again because I got home late.  

*Time skip to your house <3

Once Camilo reached view of my house, he set me down, gave me a kiss on the forehead, both cheeks, and on the lips. I blushed and hugged him. " Bye Hermosa! See you tomorrow!" Camilo yelled as he ran back towards the Casita. I waved back at him and continued walking down the road to my house. Camilo didn't want to be seen, so he set me down a block away from my house. Once my foot stepped inside the house, my mother yelled, " MIJA! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! WHO SAID YOU COULD GO OUT AND SEE BOYS!?"  " I-" I tried to explain but my mother cut in with,  " NOPE I DON'T EVEN WANT TO HEAR A PEEP OUT OF YOU!  GO TO YOUR ROOM! YOUR GROUNDED! IM VERY DISSAPOINTED" I stomped up the stairs to my room, phone in hand. Once I got upstairs I yelled, " IM JUST TRYING TO BE A TEENAGER FOR GOD's SAKE!" My mother didn't reply, but I knew she heard me. I entered my room and slammed the door behind me. I jumped on my bed and got out my phone. I called Camilo. " Hey, babe?" I said when he answered my call. " Im gonna need a favor."  After talking to Camilo, he said it was a great idea. I was going to sneak out. We made a plan, and it goes like this:  As soon as my mother and little sister go to sleep at 9:00, I was going to call him and he would show up at my window. I was on the second floor, but not too high up. He even said that Isabela wants to help! She'll use her vines to help me scale the wall until it's safe enough for me to jump onto the ground. I'll also use some pillows, to look like my body is still there. This was a great plan. 


The plan was almost in action. Just a measly 4, no 3 minutes, until Camilo gets here with his sister. I had already set up the pillows under my blanket, and it looks perfect. It's now 8:58, and my mother and sister are coming up the stairs. I peek out my bedroom door and say goodnight. My mother gives me a tired and angry " Night.." as I close the door. I call  Camilo, not putting him on speaker so that mom doesn't hear him.  He says he is out my window. I put the phone down and go to my side window next to my bed. I open it up and the cold, night wind hits my face. I look down at him and Isa, ready to get me out of my 'prison'. I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed a dress from the closet. Today was also Dolores's birthday! <3 ( i love her!) 


( AND DOLORES IS 21 IN THE MOVIE LIKE WTF) :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 ( anyways back to the story ;)

I quickly threw the dress down to Camilo, and he caught it. " THANKS, BABE" I yelled. He smiled at me and told Isa to send up her vines. It was now 9:03, and Dolores's party is at 9:10. We can make it! <3 

As Isabela sent up her vines, they reached my window and i reached down and grabbed one. I turned around so now I was facing the outside wall of my house. I used her vines as a rock wall, carefully scaling the wall, making sure to put one foot after another onto her vines. I closed my window from the outside and continued climbing down her vines. After a bit, Camilo told me to jump down. I turned my body slowly so now my back was facing the wall. I jumped down and Camilo gave me a hug. " Finally!" He said. Isa also came over and hugged me. Camilo gave me back my dress and said, " WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN YOU DONT EVEN KNOW!" He said to me. I and Isa laughed and walked down the road to the Casita. I can't wait to have fun, really, but I don't want to get caught. 

A/N: HII I THINK IMMA LEAVE IT HERE <3 LOVE YALL! <3 have yall ever heard the song Make You Mine? ITS SO GOOD AND CUTE AND JUST AWWWWWWWWEE ( that song reminds me of u and Camilo <3 heh hehe heh) LOVE YOUUU <3 baii 

This is kinda random but if we get to about.... 600 views or more lol, ill do a Q&A 

( write ur Q in the comments<3 and ill answer them and ill do a face reveal at 750 views <3

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