'Hermosa' Pt 11

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My heart was pounding as I turned around to see my mother, yelling at me. " WHOS THIS??" She asked, concern and anger in her voice. " Mo-mom-"  I tried to say. But she cut me out with, " I don't want to hear another word from you. Im guessing this is the boy you snuck out with, huh?! Who even is this?!!" She gasped then looked him up and down. Curly hair, yellow poncho. Sister in the car. Black hair. Purple dress. Flower crown. Then, she realized. " Oh-uh Camilo Madrigal, is it? Im terribly sorry, I didn't recognize you heh. My apologies. As long as your mother is ok with the relationship, I'm ok."  She bowed her head down a little, to show respect since the Madrigal family were the family that 'founded' this land, thanks to the miracle. 

Camilo nodded at her, and my mother death-stared me. I looked away and Camilo walked over to the car. " Hey, I have to go, but ill be at the Castia when you come back. RIP Mr. Marcos."  I smiled and waved back at him as he got into the car to leave with Isa. I sat back down at the ceremony, which was coming to an end. " Why didn't you tell me you were dating one of the Madrigals??" My mom asked. " I- I didn't know me and Camilo had made it, official, official. Ya know? And who says you needed to know? I'm almost an adult, so I don't have to tell you anything."  I knew that I was going to get slapped for that, but I kept my large-ass mouth shut. My mom didn't react the way I thought. She sighed, nodded, and looked forward. I was stubborn, like my dad, and she knew one day I was going to grow up and 'leave the nest' as she always said. 

After the ceremony, the family felt, 'better'. My father wrote that most of his money would go to the oldest, me, ( pop off sis ;) and the rest, about $270 to Amelia. Some things were left for my mom, but most of the money went towards my college funds and whatnot. At least I got more money to spend at the mall.  My mom and I read the will and she took the money out of the safe. She handed about $29,450 to me, and $275 to Amelia. Amelia was told to put it in her piggy bank, but my mom left me hanging. " Uh, mom? what do I do with this now??"  I asked her. " Well, seems like you are an adult now, figure it out." I looked at her in shock, since I have always been her " Mija" her, " baby girl" her "precious gift".  I squealed a bit though because now I can spend that money on shoes, clothes, room things that I will probably throw away, and other non-useful items that will make me broke again. 

I ran up to my room, jumped on my bed, and flipped open my laptop. I typed in the search bar, " Cute clothes" And a bunch of results came up. cute crop tops and jeans, necklaces, strap-on shoes, I could go on and on, BUT one thing caught my eye.  It was one of those expensive customizable necklaces, and I really wanted one to be honest. So i bought it. For about $20. 

Ok, it was $25.


As soon as I had bought it, a couple of opinions had popped up. I could write ANY word on the necklace. I thought of doing my name, then I thought of doing my dad's name, THEN I remembered Camilo. So I got one with my name on it and ordered it for Camilo instead, as a cute gift. I hope he likes it.  

* TIME SKIP (a couple of days later lmao)

I ate lunch as quickly as I could because the necklace I had ordered had arrived. I picked up the mail and threw it on the counter, looking just at the big brown box that held Camilo's necklace inside. I quickly ran out the door with the box and skipped down the road to the Casita. When I got there, I saw The family and asked where Camilo was. " Oh, Mija! Hi! He's in the garden" Isa told me. I walked over, holding the box behind my back, shielding it from him. I walked into the garden and saw Camilo, 




A/N:  OOOooooOOOOHhhhHHHHH cAmIlOoooOO's CheAtIngGGGG 

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