Chapter 15 - It's none of my business

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a/n: I feel like this chapter came out a little crappy...sorry :/


When I got to school, for once in my life I wasn't even punctual, I was in advance! Why? Because I barely slept last night. Afraid as I was that my mind would restart playing games and drive me to sinful dreams of Eric Rivers. If anything, if there's someone I should dream of, that's Kyle. Not Mr. Bad Boy. Why the hell did I even do that? I mean, I don't feel attracted to him. Not at all. Yes, I do admit he is damn hot, but that doesn't mean I like him or even feel attracted. That's insane!

I just happened to spend an ... almost pleasant afternoon with him as he tried his best to hammer in mind things I'll never understand, I didn't just lay on the couch making out with him! So where the hell do these fantasies come from?!

Paula kept teasing me all day, saying it was useless to deny it, I just felt this unbelievable attraction towards the boy, a pull that wasn't worth fighting because it'd soon win. Bullshit. I am not, repeat not attracted to Eric Rivers. Not even in the slightest bit.

I nearly jumped when, upon unlocking my locker, I was startled to feel hands on my shoulders.

"There you are, Cookie!" Aisha greeted me, nearly pushing me against the lockers. I turned to her, only to be greeted by her usual cheery smile. I swear, I have never seen anyone this cheerful every moment of every day.

"Hi." I simply muttered, not really in the mood for chit-chatters, then turned around and opened my locker. I even have Creative Writing today, which means I have to them. See him. And I don't want to. How am I supposed to look at him like nothing when just the other night I dreamed of us ... doing that? How the heck am I supposed to react? Pretend nothing happened? Sure. But how? I was nervous before around him, imagine now. I already know I will be barely able to stand his intense gaze, well, worse than usual.

Gee, why the heck does my mind decide to play such games?! There is nothing that I feel or could ever feel for him, how the heck did my mind get to that? Yeah, ok, as a fangirl, I have a very fervid imagination, but to come to this! I've never had that kind of dreams. And to start with Eric even!

"What's up?" Aisha asked me, tilting her head to the side, clearly worried. I shrugged, shaking my head, saying it was nothing. How could I even explain to her that I simply had a wet dream about our school's bad boy?

Sure, I bet I'm not the only one, I mean, for how popular he is among girls, I bet many have literally dreamed of having him at least once, but that's them. Not me. I don't have such dreams. And sure as hell I don't feel attracted to Eric Rivers. Absolutely no.

Yeah, sure, repeating it makes it only less credible, Natalie ...

Aisha looked at me funny when I growled, hands in my hair, nearly pulling it, shaking my head as I muttered to myself curses I have never even used.

She placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me a concerned look and I sighed, distractedly glancing towards the entrance. Aisha and I were two of the very few kids already at school, most of the rest were starting to arrive just now.

And, among them, obviously, because I am so lucky, there was him. Walking down the hall in all his glory. He wore, as usual, dark blue jeans and a dark green t-shirt partly covered by an open grey hoodie. Much sportive. As usual.

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