Chapter 48 - Double Date

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I giggled as I watched Aisha fumbling with her dress. For like ... the thousandth time. She'd changed outfit so many times already that I think she's tried more or less all of her wardrobe. Bikinis excluded only, and in her haze, hadn't I stopped her, she would have picked those instead of underwear too.

She was so nervous, so anxious ... and I could understand why. I mean, it was her very first date with Kyle. Though they had some ... um ... intense moments last weekend. She recounted me the general lines of what they did when they skipped last period on Friday and headed to her place, knowing her mother would be out all weekend.

I can't seriously believe they spent the whole weekend doing just that, but she claims yes, so why should I argue? When I mentioned the thing to Eric, he mischievously suggested we could pick up on our friends' trail, I argued that my mom wouldn't be too glad, and he mentioned he was sleeping in a hotel room lately, when he wasn't at my place, so there was no problem.

More than argue about his lascivious intentions, I asked why was he sleeping in a hotel and he hardly said his house has been confiscated. I don't like that he sleeps all alone in a silly hotel, so I suggested he at least picked the one where my mother works, that's a 4 star, so it's good, but he said he's fine like that, didn't even want to agree when I mentioned I could talk to mom and ask if he could use our guest room, after all, he already sleeps at our place most of the times, but he said he didn't want to disturb. I honestly smacked him over the head when he said that. What disturb? He's my boyfriend and he already sleeps in my bed at least four nights out of seven, what would change?

But Eric said that him coming to live with us sounded too much like some crappy MTV show, so no, besides, also his father, when Kyle's tongue slipped, suggested he moved in with them, at least for these last months, but he rejected, saying he was fine like that. Hence, accepting my offer would offend his father and brother, he said. I have a feeling he just likes spending some time alone. Which is fair. I mean, we can't just be glued to each other every moment of every day, can we?

School's rumors about us have been sort of dying down a little, but they were replaced by the news of me punching Dana in front of everybody. People gape at me, some murmured that I've become violent because of who I'm dating, I let it slide a couple of times, but at the third one, when a girl from my Journalism class implied that I'm becoming a criminal for my boyfriend's influence, I snapped, barking against her that she had no right to judge Eric because she didn't know him one bit, I snapped at everybody that was looking at me bewildered, teacher included, hissing at all of them that they knew nothing and they better shut up, because I would not let one single soul mudsling my boyfriend just because they're envious, he's better than all of them put together.

Since then, people quit murmuring when I'm around, but rumors about me having turned to the bad side are still being spread. Some even say I'm becoming worse than Eric.

Teachers, at first, wondered about my new attitude, but in the end they saw I wasn't doing anything bad, just defending my boyfriend, so when mom talked to them they were all pleased, because, they said, not only had I gained more self confidence, but apparently I was doing immensely good to Eric, who hadn't been getting involved into a fight since weeks and was a quite peaceful student.

Sure, his reputation still scared other students, but teachers, and even principal Roberts, said they could see a huge improvement in Eric's behavior and they were sure it was because of me, especially considering that he was at his best mostly in those classes we had together. He's never had problems with grades and things like that, the only issue was his bad temper, but since we started dating, they say, he calmed down.

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