Chapter 39 - Confessions

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I stared at my mom in utter shock. She didn't just say what I think she just said, did she? She gave me one of her reassuring smiles, probably seeing I was panicking. And I had every right to! I mean, ok, she had every right to be mad because she found her teenage daughter lying on bed with her boyfriend, but she didn't really have to already come out with things like "you and I need to have a little talk", directed at Eric, of course. Yeah, she said she wanted to meet him if our thing lasted two weeks at least, but that would have been a programmed thing! Not a downright assault.

Probably feeling I was tense, Eric, still beside me, still keeping me in his arms, gently caressed my arm up and down in that soothing manner only he knows how to pull off, therefore I looked at him and he smiled calmly, slightly winking at me before turning to look ahead, where my mother still stood.

He gave her a sweet smile, one of those he reserves to me only, and even though it might have come out as sneaky, it was really sincere and I could see it in mom's eyes that she was indeed impressed by his charm already. And, may I tell you, my mother is not one to be easily impressed.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Watson, didn't mean to violate your ... uh ... curfew. We just ... found ourselves in deep into the movie and we fell asleep." He spoke the truth, well, sugaring it a little, but that was the whole truth, so that when mom looked at me for a confirm, I could easily smile and nod. She frowned a little, her arms still crossed, her expression all but glad, yet in the end she heaved a big sigh and nodded, but ...

"You have three minutes to straighten up. Then reach me in the living room." She ordered and, even if reluctantly, I moved to stand up, but she prevented me: "Take all the time you need, Natalie."

"But you just said ..."

Eric beside me chuckled lightly, who knows why, and ruffled my hair as he sat up. "She wants just me, princess." He explained and I turned around, confused, so he took the chance to place a gentle and tender kiss on my forehead. I know that normally he would have gone for the lips or a cheek at least, but with my mother right there, already sort of on war foot, it wasn't really wise to endure in tender moments.

When Eric stood up, mom left, restating that he had three minutes only, which I bet was not to let us linger in dangerous couple moments anymore, and, it added tension to the whole thing. Once she was gone, I groaned out of exasperation, sitting straight and letting my feet dangle out of bed. Eric was already up and was just fixing his wrinkled clothes.

I know it shouldn't be such a drama, but it's still my mother talking solo with my boyfriend, my first boyfriend, to be precise. That boyfriend I am so quickly falling for and who just yesterday confessed he loves me. So yeah, pardon me if I'm a little anxious. Especially considering that I can't sneak up because my mother knows me all too well and would bust me instantly. Therefore I'm gonna have to champ at the bit till they're over and then torment Eric to know.

I sighed, quite dejectedly. Eric came to me and, bending down a little, he cupped my cheeks as he smiled reassuringly while gently pecking my lips. "It's gonna be fine." He reassured me lowly, then chuckled. "I know parents normally don't like me, but your mother seems cool. She might be different."

"It's not that." I grumbled as I stood up, willingly getting rid of his grip, but only to open up his arms and sink in his warm hug as I rested my head on his chest.

Half smiling, Eric quickly picked up on my trail and wrapped his arms around me, placing a gentle kiss on my hair. "I'm sure she's not gonna murder me without witnesses."

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