Chapter 27 - Yes!

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like always,let me know what you think ;)



I watched her as she came jogging towards her locker, late, like she always is. It brought a light smile to my lips as I thought of how cute she looked with her face reddened because she'd run all the way here.

I was leaning on the wall beneath the stairs, officially, hanging out with my so called friends, actually, waiting for her to show up. I don't deny it's my biggest reason for getting up in the morning. Seeing her. At least that. I can't have her, but at least I can rejoice of her beautiful face.

When last week I saw Nathan gripping her arm,I nearly lost it. And when I saw him again,outside school,in his environment... well,lucky him that there I had a role to play,otherwise he would have regretted the day he met me, believe me.

But I don't want to think about my problems. It's all settled when it comes to Natalie. They won't bother her again. It goes to detriment of my own feelings,but it was necessary.

Well,like I said,at least I get to see her. My reason to get up in the morning. I get to see her. Why do you think I am always beneath these stairs when school starts? My locker is in the other side of the school. If I'm here,it's because from this position I can enjoy the sight of my lovely Natalie without her or anybody really noticing. I can watch her laugh with her new friend, carefree and as beautiful as always. I can watch those brown eyes fill with joy as she laughs. I can enjoy that amazing smile. Even if from afar only.

But my good mood faded soon. Because I saw him approaching her with that fake smile of his, the one that's been winning him everybody's favor, while I perfectly know he's rotten to the core.

Making my heart sink, Natalie greeted him cheerfully, clearly happy to see him. She's never like that when she sees me. Actually, when she sees me she looks like she wants to flee. I scare her, I know I do, but at this point, I wouldn't even know how to show her I'd never ever hurt her. She's been being a bit more confident around me,yes,but still...she's wary. Like she feels like I'm gonna snap all of a sudden and be what everybody sees me as but with her I can't bring myself to be.

But after all, between one like Kyle, straight A student, never gets in trouble, always so kind with everybody, popular and crap like that, and one like me ... the school's nightmare, always getting in trouble, visiting the principal's office almost every day ... anybody would choose him. Even my damn father chose him.

I tuned out Floyd and Dominic muttering their usual nonsense as I, against my every self preservation instinct, watched as that jerk engulfed her in his lies and fake kindness.

I'm actually surprised it took him so long to notice her. Normally he's pretty perceptive. I'd like to think he likes her for real, but I know he's just playing with her naiveté. Because he knows it irks me.

She has been head over heels for him since he came swaggering in, his huge ego with him, four years ago. When her eyes, that day of four years ago, landing on him, lit up, I knew I was screwed. I knew I'd just lost her for good.

Do you know how it hurts to witness your beloved one falling for somebody else? Do you know how damn painful it is to act like nothing while all she's ever doing is rip your heart into pieces? Well,I can tell you it hurts. Damn bad. Worse than anything I've ever endure and, believe me,if I told you what I've been through,you'd either scream in shock or pity me.

But it hurts worse to swallow,every damn day,the need to tell her the truth and watch her as she falls for him. It hurts like Hell. It hurts like fuckin Hell to love someone that'll never love you back.

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