Episode 13

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Y/n's pov:

I unconsciously gulped due to the intense eye contact.

Not knowing how to react any further, I just moved away to the desk swifltly, holding my book in my hand. My cheeks were crimson red.

Just as I sat down on my chair, he pulled the chair right in front of me and setteled himself there, putting his book on the desk.

My eyes were down with a feel of hesitation. Shouldn't I greet him to make the situation less awkward?

"Hey!", I hesitantly greeted jungkook and instantly looked down.

"Hey!", he greeted back slightly chuckling.

"What are you reading?", he asked. I lifted up my head and finally looked at him.

You know I joined later and there are still some topics that I don't understand. So I thought of reading some related books to get some help.", I explained.

"You're studying stats?", he asked and I nodded.

"I can help.", he said and got up from his seat, now sitting right besides me.


"First of all I am a business studies student and secondly I am really good at stats. So there's no need to hesitate. Just let me help.",  he said with a smile.

I smiled back and nodded.

More than two hours passed as we kept studying together. He was indeed good at stats and the concepts were now pretty clear as he helped me with them.

"You're leaving?", he asked and I nodded my head.

"I'll drop you then.", he said but I shook my head.

"There's no need jungkook. I....."

"I'm your friend y/n. And being a friend I can do you favors and you can't resist. Okay?", he asked with a silly smile on his face.

"Okay.", I nodded with a smile and walked with him to his car.


"We can continue your lessons tomorrow.", he said while driving and I smiled at him with gratitude.

"Y/n.", he called me and I turned my head at him.

"Do you have anyone in your family?", he asked.

"No.", I briefly replied.

Why is he suddenly digging into my family?

"What about you?", I questioned.

"I have a father.",  he briefly answered with his gaze fixed on the front.

"You live alone at your house?", he asked again which made me frown.

Why is he asking that? Shall I tell him that I live alone? Now way!

"Some of my friends always stay at my house to accompany me.", I made up a lie yet he slightly nodded.

"Shall I pick you up tomorrow?", he asked and my gaze turned at him.

"Actually I am a little busy yesterday. There are certain things that needs to be done at home. So if we'll study at my house then I can do my work too.", he reasoned his statement and I nodded in understanding. There was silence for a moment. I looked out of the window in nervousness.

"Why did you took admission in our school?", he suddenly asked which made me choke on thin air.

My eyes went wide and heart beat increased.

I turned at him and saw him already looking at me like he knows everything going inside my mind.

"I liked the school.", I lied in a convincing tone with confidence.

He nodded and again moved his gaze at the front.

What's going into this guy's mind?

The rest of the car ride was completely silent.

Dropping me home, he left.

Entering my house, I marched towards my planning space.

Throwing my bag at the desk, I looked through the pictures placed on the desk.

My mind is completely puzzled now and I need to get a few answers.

Especially about Jeon jungkook.

He is the only one who is still not clear in my list. Yet instead of letting me get some information out of him, he always tries to dig into me. Which is quite dangerous for me.

He said that he has just a father when I asked about his family but he is a liar.

Looking through the pictures, I finally found a familiar picture.

An old family picture which has his mother and father both along with him.

No news of his mother's death ever reached anyone's ears too.

Then why didn't he mention her?

I need to dig into you too Jeon jungkook. Sorry if it gets a bit too personal.

Third person's pov:

Seeing taehyung and Jimin standing at a distance, jungkook made his way to both of them.

The party was pretty crowded, just like their other parties.

"Bro!", Taheyung said with a smile and immediately hugged jungkook. Jimin also stood up from his place and hugged him with a smile.

"What took you so long?", taehyung asked jungkook, sitting at the chair placed near the bar counter.

"Nothing. How was the meeting?", jungkook asked monotonously changing the topic.

"My uncle was persistent to kill that bastard. It's just because of your father that he is still breathing.", Jimin completed with gritted teeth and jungkook nodded.

"Why are you attending all the meetings these days? Where is that brother of yours'?", Jimin asked but jungkook's expressions instantly changed to rather irritated ones.

"He doesn't come home often right?", taehyung enquired which made jungkook upset. He got up from his seat yet got pulled back by taehyung.

"Okay. Just sit back. Let's talk about something else.", taehyung suggested trying to calm him.

"Your father has given your brother a bit too much leisure.", Jimin said sipping his drink.

"Jimin!", taehyung shooted him a glare.

"What? His brother is just four years younger than him. Yet he is the one getting in all problems while he is living his life at it's finest.", Jimin stated with his annoyed tone and a scowl embracing his features.

They stayed quite for a bit and the environment only got tenser.

"The welcome party is the talk of the hour though. Who are you all going with?", taehyung said trying to lift up their mode.

"See.", jungkook said with his unreadable expressions.

"I'm leaving for now.", Jimin said and got up from his place.

"Jimin!", taehyung shouted at his back yet he left.

"What about you?", jungkook asked looking at taehyung.

"Not necessarily but I have someone in my mind."

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