Episode 24

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The next day:

Y/n's pov:

Walking inside the school taking steady steps, I felt a lot of gazes scrutinized in my direction.

This was the reality of this place. The upper facade long gone now. This is the bare reality I have to see.

I know that they knew everything. When they left the restroom that day, I saw many girls entering it afterwards.

They saw me sitting on the floor in my messed state. They saw me trembling and shivering crazily. Yet not giving a second glance, they kept fixing their makeup looking at the mirrors.

These all have made me suffer. Now their countdown begins.

Walking through the hallway, the whispers only increased.

I entered my class and saw a number of people eyeing me up. Not giving them a glance, I walked to my seat.

My eyes lifted up to see soobin sitting on his usual spot.

His head lifted up to see me walking towards the seat.

I was about to walk past when I heard his deep voice.

"Sit here."

It was so low that it might only be audible to me.

I paused on my steps and looked back at him.

His eyes met mine as he had his casual cold and stern expressions on.

Heaving a deep breath, I pushed my bag on the desk, now sitting besides him on my usual spot.

I saw as his head again rested on the desk to take his usual routine morning nap.

I was about to take my books out when I saw a familiar face approaching me with a bunch of friends at her back like always.

"You're y/n right?", the girl on the front sternly asked.

I knew that she's the same girl who warned me about soobin in my earlier days. But what does she want now?

I slightly nodded my head and heard as she huffed.

"You've become quite famous in such a short while. Especially when you were the highlight of the 'Welcome party', weren't you?"

As I thought, they know everything happening yet stay quite for sake of their own enjoyment. I knew where she was coming from but I didn't want to give her any chances to further humiliate me.

"Isn't it fun? Being in the spotlight given this pretty face and sexy body? Not gonna lie. I've seen many like you. The one who............"

My head lifted up at her as she stopped midway.

An expression of fear was visible on her face as she gulped hard looking besides me.

My head snapped at soobin who was giving her a murderous glare.

Everyone knew that wether it's a girl or a boy, Jeon soobin doesn't care. He believes in equality, so he equally treats them both when angry.

Without saying a word more, she instantly left from there along with the girls tailing her.

Soobin gave me a glance by the side of his eyes and I instantly looked down at my lap.

With a few shuffling sounds, I realized that he rested back at the desk as he was doing earlier.

At the recess:

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