37. Prefect's Bathroom

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A/N - Warning about *slight* adult content and another long chapter <3

"It's around the time Draco wants me to meet him, I should get ready," I say. Although it is still break, there aren't many students in Hufflepuff common currently. Rue, Marcus and I are huddled at our table, away from the two students on the couch and the three near the fireplace.

"Did your boyfriend say anything about how he's going to help?" Marcus asks. He raises his eyebrows when he says the word "help" as if he's completely convinced there will be no discussion of the second task. "And did he say something about when you'll be coming back?"

The three of us stand up together. "Marcus, you sound like my father. I'll be fine. Do you really think Draco would let anything happen to me?"

"What if Filch catches you?" Rue asks. Marcus stays behind as she follows me to our dorm room. "Aren't you terrified you'll be caught?"

When we arrive in our room, Rue uses her wand to light the path to my bed. Our roommates are asleep already and I really don't want to wake them. I reach into the chest on the foot of my bed and grab the golden egg, careful to not open it and release it's awful screeching sound to wake every Hufflepuff student up.

There's a rapid tapping on our window. My heart beats rapidly until I find my owl on the ledge, tapping her beak against the glass to alert us of her presence. I rush to the window and let her in. She swoops around the room twice and drops a small scroll on my bed before she leaves. Rue and I share a glance and both of us climb onto my bed to read the letter.

Bring a change of clothes and your egg. I will be waiting for you at 11 on the dot.


My heart skips a beat at his letter. "A change of clothes? What on earth would you need a change of clothes for?" Rue whispers. She holds the piece of parchment and moves it around as if it were fake and would disappear at any moment. "First he tells you how attracted he is to you, then he invites you out past curfew and asks for you to bring a change of clothes?"

Rue's eyes widen and I wave my hands frantically to keep her from raising her voice and waking our roommates. "Rue, don't jump to conclusions! This could mean anything," I explain, waving the scroll in the air as I speak. I'm also trying to convince myself of that since what Rue said makes too much sense. "Draco being attracted to me doesn't mean that he's planning on, you know..."

Rue rolls her eyes. "He can have as much self control as possible but he's still a teenage boy. And, if you haven't noticed, he quite literally drools over you when you're around. His eyes don't leave you, and they're not always focused on your face, if you know what I mean-"

"Rue, please stop!" I say. I check the clock next to my bed and panic. It's 10:58, I have to go. I stand and begin to look for another set of pajamas to put on. Although I can sense Rue's hesitation, she joins me and hands me a cute set of pajamas I had buried in the bottom of my chest. Its a set of long sleeved, green wool that's very warm and a little loose on me. It makes me look like a teddy bear.

I throw the pajamas into a bag and gently place my golden egg on top. I slip on some shoes and Rue and I run down the steps as quietly as possible. Marcus is still at our table but he rises as soon as he sees us. He looks curiously at my bag but since Draco is waiting for me, I nod to Rue to explain to him and I quietly step out the door into the dark corridor.

It's dark and cold, a stark contrast to how Hufflepuff common was just seconds ago. I have a pink, thick sweater on and black leggings, but they don't seem to be doing much. I look around and squint to try to find Draco in the dark, but grab my wand in desperation. Hogwarts is slightly terrifying at night.

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