57. The Order

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A/N: Long chapter to make up for not posting so much <3

"And we can't know where we're going?" I ask. Hermione shrugs and throws more books into another luggage. The twins have it so easy, being able to use magic to pack everything to go to this other location. Fred and George did tell me, about two weeks ago at the beginning of break, that we would be moving somewhere. A place very hidden, yet very important for what they called "The Order." They didn't give me any other explanation because they didn't want to ruin anything. As if I, a girl who was raised mostly in the "muggle" world, would know anything about something called "The Order."

Ginny throws treats to distract Crookshanks and Martin, who were having a pretty fun time with one of her hair ties. "It sounds crazy, Valentine, but you get used to stuff like this when you've been friends with Ron and Harry for so long," Hermione laughs. I can see a hint of fear in her face but she hides it well as she zips up her books. She huffs as she yanks the luggage off the bed and sets it in the hallway. When she returns for the rest of her belongings, I already have basically everything packed. I barely unpacked anything, only swapping things out of my bags when I needed them in hopes that Rue or Draco would somehow turn up and take me away.

I feel guilty for feeling so isolated while surrounded by such amazing people. They've done nothing but make me feel welcome, but I want to leave to have my own life. I feel as if I've just been written to fit into their storyline; but I need my own. I need Draco.

Just as I have my school supplies packed, I hear a small tapping on the window. "Val!" I gasp. I quickly open the window and my small, chittering owl jumps through the opening and squeaks as she runs around my desk in triumph. My heart skips a beat when I see multiple scrolls tied to her small legs; one with fine parchment and a green ribbon. Once I've gotten the rolls off, Mrs. Weasley interrupts us.

"Quickly, girls, Moody will be here soon to see us over!" She instructs. I shove the letters into my purse and lay out a few treats for Val to enjoy while I help pile our luggage in the hallway. "Oh, goody, your owl returned!" Mrs. Weasley muses. I look at her in confusion, since I hadn't mentioned anything about writing anyone. "Listen, Valentine, I know this isn't your ideal situation. I know that your heart lies with... with a boy in a troubled situation. I just hope the troubled situation doesn't get you!"

She pats my cheek lightly and casts a spell that moves our belongings to the living room downstairs. "Oh! And don't worry, girls, Tonks will be taking care of the animals!" Mrs. Weasley says before she disappears down the stairs, rambling on to her other children.

"Is it like this before each year?" I ask. Hermione and Ginny both laugh.

"You have no idea, Valentine," Ginny replies.


"It's good to see you again, Valentine," Professor Lupin greets. We shake hands politely as his handsome smile grows. "And please, don't call me Professor. I know it may be odd, but I'm just Remus, alright?"

I nod my head. "Alright, Remus," I reply. He pats my shoulder and excuses himself to speak to Mr. Weasley. "And why do we have professors here at almost ten at night during summer break?" I ask George, whispering as I lean over and grab a brownie. George grabs one, too, and joins me as we lean against the counter and watch as everyone else walks around in a fuss, including Ron and Fred who are arguing about who owns whatever is in a box Fred is holding.

"He's part of the Order of the Phoenix. So are my parents. And Harry's, too, once upon a time," George says. I turn my head in shock. "You learn a thing or to when you learn to sneak." George winks at me and nods his head toward the front door, where Professor Moody limps in. Although, the man in front of me is not the man I knew at all. He was not the man I spoke to when I was having trouble with the tournament or Lev.

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