80. Sleep Deprived

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I carefully close the door behind me and stare into the pitch black room in front of me. Before I light the room, I hear someone move from further in the room.

"Harry?" I whisper. Definitely not the smartest thing to do, but who else would be alone in the dark in the prefects bathroom? The person steps closer and I hear him light the room with a spell. When my eyes adjust to the sudden light, I find Harry in front of me. He's smiling at me, yet looks completely exhausted. "Are you alright?" I ask.

I drop my purse next to his bag and turn back to face him. He's scratching the back of his neck and nodding. "Yeah, don't worry about it," he replies. "I just needed to meet with you privately to, em, plan the first meeting."

We sit on the stairs that descend into the large bathtub and I open my notepad and use my quill. "What day of the week do you think we should meet?" I question. "It can't always be on the same day, but I mean, the first day specifically."

Harry turns the bewitched coin over in his hand as he thinks. "I dunno. Hermione has done most of the planning," he confides. I laugh and shake my head. At least he's honest.

"How about a week from today?" I propose. "It'll give everyone time to plan to come and enough time to settle in." Harry nods in response. When I turn to him, I see a small smile on his face as he stares at nothing. "What spells should we focus on next?"

"Yeah, yeah, that sounds good," he says. I roll my eyes. Something has his attention and it obviously isn't me.

"I think we should warn them of the imminent alien invasion. I've heard they only eat the brains of students," I say to tease him.

Harry only nods his head and continues to mess with the coin. I snap in front of his face and he jumps in shock. He drops the coin and it pings off of the stairs and rolls deeper into the large bath. He quickly moves to pick it up, standing in the dead center of the room; the lowest possible place. "Did you hear anything I just said?"

"Sorry," he mumbles. He quickly grabs the coin and returns to his seat next to me. "I'm just a bit distracted." He continues to flip the coin in his hand and a smile  flickers over his expression. I thought he was dwelling over what happened with Mr. Weasley, or the meeting he had with Sirius and Snape at the end of the break. It wasn't something to smile over, so I'm not sure why he's doing so now.

He doesn't notice my gaze as I continue to analyze the last few weeks we've spent together. Besides being with his godfather, not much has boosted his mood. Even Sirius was pretty upset by the end of holiday.

"What are you thinking about?" I question. I'm drawing a blank when it comes to reasons he's be too distracted to plan the meetings. "There isn't much at Hogwarts worth smiling about nowadays."

"Oh, erm, nothing," Harry replies. "Let's plan the meeting, shall we? Maybe next Monday so everyone has enough time to prepare?"

Although I want to find out what Harry's smirking about, I have to focus on why we're meeting. "I agree. We're all too worried about being caught and studying for the O.W.Ls. It'll be a relief to know the next meeting is soon."

Harry stands as I scribble down the details. "Great, I'll tell Ron and Hermione." He begins to pick his bag back up when I stop him.

"Harry, we need to prepare spells," I remind him. He deflates as he looks at me. "I know you're not really into planning things like this, but we have to do our best to prepare them."

"We didn't have much preparation, either, if you think about it," Harry argues. I can see the pain in his eyes as he does so. "Why does everyone rely solely on us to teach them?"

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