65. Stressed

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George and I stand outside the hospital wing, Professor Dumbledore's eyes moving between us. "Will one of you explain what happened?" Professor McGonagall asks, her voice almost a shriek. "This is the second time Mr. Malfoy has gotten into a fight! Over-over-"

"Young love, Minerva," Professor Dumbledore interrupts. His voice is calm, the complete opposite of hers. "It seems that Ms. Walker has quite an effect on more than one admirer."

My cheeks turn a light shade of pink and I look toward the ground. "I'm sorry, Professor," I whisper. I'm unsure of what else to say - I don't want Draco to fight anyone, and I surely don't want Fred's attention to linger.

"Nothing to apologize about, Ms. Walker. Mr. Weasley, can you control your brother? Gryffindor has a good chance of winning this year with the two of you as the beaters." Professor Dumbledore winks at George, who then grins his usual mischievous smile.

George places his hand on my shoulder firmly. "I can watch the both of 'em. Just can't promise how gentle I'll be with Malfoy."

The four of us laugh lightly at George's competitiveness. Although I know George loves me as a friend, it's easy to forget how much he hates Draco. But he keeps it civil. Mostly. Well, sometimes.

Today, at least.

"I believe your boyfriend is ready to see you," Professor Dumbledore says. He nods toward the door that is opening slowly. Fred's nose is being fixed and Draco is already laid back on his bed with an ice pack on his face.

I excuse myself and quickly sit next to Draco's side. George has gone to his brother, both of them already chuckling about something. "Draco, are you okay?" I ask.

His gray eyes fall on mine for a moment. I can tell that he's still angry, and I can't help but to assume that he believed Fred's implications. "Draco, nothing happened," I reassure. He sits up, squeezes his eyes, then slowly pulls himself into a sitting position. "You believe me, don't you?"

He sighs. The bruise is enormous on his cheek and looks worse compared to his usual pale complexion. "Valentine, you have to understand... how can I not believe a man when he tells me something like that?"

I gasp in shock. "After all the times you've insulted him, today you choose that he's a man and that his word is worth more than mine?" I question, my tone rising with each word. The twins are listening intently now, but trying hard not to stare openly. "How could you not trust me? I trusted you all summer although I had no clue where you were!"

Draco scoffs. "Yeah, but you ran off with a bunch of boys, what should I believe?" He spits back. I stand now, my arms numb beside me as I stare at him in disbelief. How could he ever think I would do something like this?

"I can't believe this," I whisper. Tears are filling my eyes but I refuse to let him see me cry. I'm sure Fred would feel great, too, seeing me so upset with Draco. "I'll see you later."

I turn quickly and walk away, Draco calling after me. "Valentine, wait!" He yells. Madam Pompfrey pushes him back into his bed and scolds him for trying to jump up. I ignore his voice and turn quickly down the hall. Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall look up from their conversation as I pass, both of their faces knowing of what just happened. I just have to find Rue.


"I wish they'd stop," I tell Rue. More students pass by, each holding a copy of The Daily Prophet and talking about how they believe both Harry and Professor Dumbledore have gone crazy. "Don't they have enough to worry about?"

Rue shakes her head. "The truth is too terrifying. Their parents will believe anything to comfort themselves," she replies. The sun is warm and other students are enjoying the day, too. Three hours have passed since Draco's fight with Fred, and I can tell he's mad at me. What Fred implied in his taunts truly upset Draco, but he shouldn't have accused me of something as terrible as cheating on him.

I'm sure he tried to find me after he was discharged from the infirmary, but Rue has helped me steer clear. I've seen both Fred and George, so I know Draco isn't still there. To be honest, I'm not sure if I could even see him today without crying.

"I'm surprised they haven't gone after you," Marcus adds. He throws his bag on the grass in front of us and sits next to me on the staircase. His long legs stretch farther than ours do, and his torso is creating a shadow that almost completely covers Rue and I. Will he ever stop growing?

"Consider yourself lucky."

Hermione and Ginny are in front of us now, both looking exasperated. "We'll never hear the end of it," Ginny sighs. "No matter what I say, people won't believe us."

Although I agree wholeheartedly with Harry and Professor Dumbledore that Voldemort is back, no one focuses on my opinion. The media is too focused on Marcus's heroism and they've turned it into a tale of bravery. Hufflepuff house is somehow proud of what he's done, due to how everyone has a better opinion of our house now.

It only took the death of a death eater, the result of my best friend protecting me with everything he had.

I have to say, though, that I don't envy Harry's current public image. I'm seen as the victim; a defenseless, lovable girl who was targeted by a follower of the Dark Lord. Harry, on the other hand, is seen as an attention-seeking boy who has completely lost his mind. And every student supports this idea - it's obvious in the way people stare at him and clear the way when he's coming as if he's infectious.

"People will believe when it's too late," Hermione adds. "Valentine, have you spoken to Harry recently?" She asks. I shake my head no in honesty. "I've heard detention is positively dreadful."

"How can he focus on his O.W.L's if that hag is keeping him locked up in detention?" Rue asks. I'm reminded of the pounds of homework that is waiting for me on my desk and I audibly groan. Not only do I have to do the homework, but I will have to go to my shared room with Draco in order to get it.

Marcus looks around the courtyard and turns back to the girls. "Where is he, anyway? He rushes out of class every chance he gets."

Hermione and Ginny share a look. "He's just... stressed," Hermione explains. "Anyways, I just wanted to ask you to watch out for him. Please?"

I agree easily. "I'll always look out for him," I reply. It's true; even Draco's hatred for Harry will never make me like him less. Harry and I understand some of what the other has gone through, which has made us bond in ways we haven't been able to audibly express.

"We'll see you later," Ginny says. We bid our goodbyes as the girls join Ron and Seamus by the castle. Marcus puts his arm around me, his limbs long enough to almost completely wrap around both me and Rue.

"How you holding up?" Marcus asks. His blonde eyebrows show deep concern, and his colored eyes sparkle with concentration. "Draco looked terrible when I passed him earlier."

"Earlier? When did you see him?" I question. Marcus looks over his shoulder and points to where Crabbe and Goyle stand. Draco is in the middle, already looking at us. He looks away once we make eye contact and he continues his conversation with his friends.

I sigh and look to Rue for advice. Part of me wants to go talk to him, but the other part of me knows that he should be the one to talk first and apologize. But would he apologize? Or just pretend nothing happened?

"I think it's best for you to focus on your assignments until he decides to man up and talk to you," Rue simply states. "We can go to the library together, if you'd like."

She's right - I definitely need to focus on my studies first. This year is not one to play around; I got lucky with being a champion last year and not having to take any exams. But this year? It's crucial to my future for me to score well on all of my O.W.L.s. "Come on, let's go," Marcus says. He picks his bag up and we find our way back into the castle without going near Draco.

Trouble in paradise 🫣 I needed some sort of tension because... I mean, we all know Draco. It couldn't always be sunshine and rainbows.

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