60. Muggle Date Night

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Draco and I plan to meet tonight at six. He wrote about a week ago, two days after we saw each other at the Ministry, and told me to be ready by a certain time. I can't apparate, fly a broom, or use the floo powder, so I plan to use a cab to get to the area he wants me to meet him.

He, of course, doesn't know that I'm not at the burrow and that I'm here, at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. It's something Hermione made me promise not to tell him to protect the secrecy of the Order.

It's only four-thirty, and I know the cab only takes around 15 minutes to get to our destination, but I can't help but feel anxious. I want to go now, but I don't want to seem too eager to be gone in case someone finds me suspicious. Ginny and Hermione promised to let me back in at nine-thirty, and I feel confident that they'll stick to their promise.

After ten more minutes of fidgeting anxiously, I sigh and grab my purse. Martin purrs lightly next to me as I throw my bag over my shoulder and scratch his cute forehead as a goodbye. I say goodbye to Ron and Harry on my way out, ignoring their confused expressions as I leave.

A warm wind blows steadily as I descend the small staircase outside and take a left to get to a busier road. Cabs pass all the time in this area, and I've used them before with my father. Once I get the attention of a driver, he pulls over and I climb into the back of his car. "17th Avenue, please," I request. The driver smiles and nods in response and pulls back into the flow of traffic. I relax in my seat and look outside at the passing cars.

After I wrote Draco to confirm our plans, I haven't heard back from him. Part of me feels as if he won't show up; that his father found our letters somehow and has forbidden him from leaving, keeping his son as his own personal prisoner to stop him from having any happiness. Once the cab driver approaches my destination, I pay him and thank him. The sidewalks here are only semi-busy but busy enough that we won't attract any unwanted attention. Neither of us have been in muggle newspapers like we were in wizard ones, which is why we wanted to meet outside of the wizard world. Besides, I don't want to risk running into a member of the Order and risk being revealed. 

A small coffee shop on the corner has a few outside tables, and one of them with two chairs is empty. I decide to grab a latte while waiting for Draco. It might be a bad idea since my heart is beating hard enough already, but it will take some of my time while I wait for him to arrive. The inside of the cafe is cute; colorful paintings cover the walls as university students fill the tables. Nobody spares me a second glance. Then I spot familiar faces, who spot me at the same time.


I step out of line in shock, not realizing that I'm moving closer to them. Rue is still in shock as she looks up from her seat, and Marcus is already standing while towering over me. "You're... why are you here?" I ask Marcus. He doesn't reply - he wraps his strong arms around me in an embrace. His blonde locks have gotten longer, and his jaw protrudes more. He's more broad, and dare I say taller. He's becoming a man. 

Rue shoots up and throws her arms around me, her entire body weight pressed against me. "How are you here? How were you able to leave?" Rue asks. She pulls me into the chair next to hers and Marcus sits across from us. He slides his coffee on the table so that it stops next to my hand. I gratefully take a sip of it as I process everything. I'm in too much disbelief to completely wrap my head around the fact that my best friends are directly in front of me. It's a breath of fresh air seeing two people that make me feel like I'm at home. I don't feel like the wrong puzzle piece being shoved into a gap in another family. 

"Hermione and Ginny helped me leave and they plan on helping me back. Why are you guys here?"

Marcus and Rue hold hands over the table. Rue has also become more of a woman - she's taller and her curves are more defined. Her kinky hair is shorter, tighter, and shinier than usual. Despite everything that's happened this last year, she even looks healthier than ever. Her smile is the same. Her beautiful smile is something I'll never get over. Something I've missed terribly this summer. "This may sound weird," Rue replies, sharing a look with Marcus. "But Draco invited us."

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