56. Russian Roulette

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"Fred, there's no way that'll work," I laugh. Fred rolls his eyes at me and continues to strategically place the icing on the cupcake. "What fool could fall for a mysterious cupcake that just happens to be sitting unattended?"

George shakes his head and scribbles something on his notepad. "You'd be surprised at the complete dimwits our classmates are," he says. Fred agrees with his twin and sets the cupcake on a small golden plate that reflects the sunlight. "Who could resist such an enticing dessert?"

"We're pretty limited on victims at the moment, but we have to make sure our recipe is perfect before the beginning of term," Fred says. Him and George look at each other with a grin before George jogs into the burrow. "George and I, we're quite brilliant, really."

Fred leans against the tree we're using for shade and smiles at his brother's disappearing figure as he enters the house for whatever plan they just telepathically agreed upon. "Please don't tell me you're using Ginny or Hermione. There's no way they'll fall for that."

George runs out of the house with a plate filled with more cupcakes and icing. "To make things fair, we'll play a game of Russian roulette," George says. My eyes widen once I realize their plan - they want all of us to blindly grab a cupcake and wait until whoever the victim is reacts to whatever they put in the one they just finished.

They begin to ice every cupcake similarly to the first one while I stand with my arms crossed. "What if your mother is the one who grabs it? Or your father, after a hard day at work?" I ask.

Fred turns around, towering over me, and smirks down at me. "That's just a risk we're going to have to take, isn't it?"

George fake gags as I hit Fred's chest in annoyance. "I really hope it's one of you guys that picks it."

"Would it make you feel better if I set aside a safe cupcake for you to eat?" Fred asks. George groans in response and reminds us that someone knowing they're safe isn't a part of Russian roulette. "Bug off," Fred warns his brother.

I grab the tainted cupcake and try to throw it into the field behind their house, but Fred has his hand on his wand in an instant. "Accio," Fred casts. The cupcake spins for a moment before it comes soaring back to Fred's grasp. I forgot they're old enough to use magic outside of Hogwarts now. "Nice try," Fred says. He sets the cupcake firmly on the table, in middle of the safe ones they've already decorated.

"Remember, Valentine, you'll have to eat one in order for everyone else to think they're safe," George says. They make their finishing touches on the cupcakes and begin to load them onto a serving tray.

I reluctantly follow them back into their house and they display the cupcakes in the middle of their table. As if I'm cue, their mother walks into the room and admires the dessert her kids made. "How lovely! Pretty cupcakes for our pretty guest!" Mrs. Weasley says, pinching my cheeks as she does so.

Ginny and Hermione follow behind, both looking at me and seeing my nervous expression. Mrs. Weasley asks us to get the table set while she makes dinner. "You okay, Valentine?" Hermione whispers as we set forks on the table. Ginny is on the other side of me and the twins are currently teasing Ron about something.

"Sorry we didn't rescue you any sooner. We got a bit carried away," Ginny apologizes. I shake my head to dismiss her apology; I had totally forgotten anything about their promised rescue mission. "They didn't traumatize you or anything, right?"

I laugh at her question, and the heads of the Weasley boys all turn to us. Hermione, Ginny, and I blush and we continue to set the table. "Just, don't be mad at me, okay?" I ask. Ginny and Hermione give each other a nervous glance and I excuse myself.

When I enter my shared bedroom, Martin is already sitting on the desk. The sunlight is hitting his orange fur perfectly and he meows lightly at my arrival. My owl, Val, is also chirping lightly in the open windowsill. She seems eager to fly, and I'm willing to give her something to do.

I scratch Martin's head and open my bag. Once I have my quill and parchment out, I think about who to write first. I'm still a bit upset with my father, so I'll write Rue first.

I miss you already. I know you're with Marcus, so please tell him I said hello. It's hard already, not knowing when I'll see you both next. The Weasley family is lovely, I just don't belong. My heart is with you two and Draco. Do you think I will see him again? Do you think we can plan something this summer? Please write when you can, Val is dying to fly.


I roll up the parchment and tie it with yellow string. Before I begin my next letter, I think hard about what I want it to say and who I want it to be written to.

I love you. I know that you chose this summer for me because you thought it was for the best. And maybe you're right, maybe Draco doesn't have the best family. But he's nothing like his father. The Weasleys are welcoming but I feel wrong here. Everything feels wrong.


Without much thought, I roll my letter up and tie it, placing it nicely next to the former. Although I know this may never reach Draco, I have to try. Val, although easily excited, is very intelligent when told what to do. I guess it's time to put her to the test.

I'm sorry that our summer is like this. Don't think anything weird is happening here. I just miss you, and this place isn't where I'm supposed to be. Please tell me you haven't given up any hope.

With love,

I attach the small scrolls to Val's legs and instruct her on where to go first. I tell her to find Rue, then my father, then Draco. "And remember, Val, Lucius absolutely cannot see you. Please be quiet and be quick. I don't want anything to happen to you," I whisper. I hand her a few treats and she nips on my finger affectionately.

Just as she leaps out the window, there's a small knock on the bedroom door. "Oh little lovebird, are you decent?"

I open the door and am slightly shocked to see George standing on the other side. "You've got to stop calling me that," I say, pushing past him and starting to make my way to the kitchen. George grabs my arm lightly and pulls me back into the room, motioning for me to be quiet. "And why are we having to hide?" I whisper.

"You're the only one in the house we can tell that won't go blabbering to someone else," George replies, sitting on my bed and leaning back on his hands. There's a small pop! sound and Fred appears next to his brother. "We've got a secret, Valentine," George sings. He and Fred make up some tune and hum it and I roll my eyes.

"Okay, and what's this big secret?" I ask, crossing my arms and shrugging slightly. Martin has found his way in between the twins, his slightly-crossed eyes following their hand movements.

Fred stands and begins to walk to my desk, assessing the quill and parchment I was just using to write. His head turns and he notices Val's empty cage. Without saying anything else, he turns around and leans against my desk while George continues.

"We wouldn't want to ruin it completely, would we?" George teases. I squint my eyes at him as he approaches me. "Let's just say, you don't have to worry about this summer being so boring."

Sorry guys I've been sick!! Also I'm trying to build kind of a (very completely platonic) friendship between George and Valentine. What do you think???

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