66. Studying

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"It's like he wants us to fail," Marcus groans. He lays his head down on his potions book and drops his quill back in the ink bottle. "Just tell my mother I love her."

Rue typically rolls her eyes at his dramatics, but she instead pats his back and nods in understanding. "This is easily the worst semester so far. And I watched my best friend almost get torched by a dragon last year."

"Professor Umbridge seems to want us to either fail or quit, too," I add. She has assigned us tons of homework, none of which include practicing any spells. "She has to be up to something. Have you seen that she's now grading the Professors?"

Hagrid is finally back, much to Professor Umbridge's frustration. It's obvious she hates him from the way she scrunches her nose when she sees him. There's also been plenty of disapproval of Hagrid working at Hogwarts from the Ministry, as he's half giant and they despise them.

"I thought Professor Trewalney was having a fit," Rue says. "It seems that the students aren't the only ones stressed beyond measure."

I shake my head and turn my attention back to my essay. There just isn't any reason for this much homework. I'm beginning to think all of our professors hate us.

As my mind falls deeper into my school work, someone clears their throat behind me. Draco stands there, his hand resting on the back of my chair as he looks down at me. "Please come with me, darling," he says. I look at Rue, who has an eyebrow raised, and Marcus, who looks in defensive mode.

"What a bold word coming from someone who treats their 'darling' like you do," Marcus replies. Draco looks away in shame and I stand.

"It's okay, Marcus," I reassure. I shove my textbooks in my bag and say goodbye to my reluctant friends. When Draco and I make our way out of the library, multiple groups of students make no attempt to hide their attention. I'm not sure what they're staring for - the fight everyone saw occur, a triwizard champion that witnessed their best friend kill someone that stood over their petrified boyfriend, or the son of an accused death eater.

Although I completely agree with Harry's accusations that Voldemort has returned, I can't help but to be frustrated at him for sharing how he saw Lucius Malfoy in the graveyard. Not that I'm upset with Harry that it happened, but more in disbelief. Yes, I've heard rumors before that his father is a loyal follower of Voldemort, but to hear one of my close friends declare his presence, kneeling in front of the most evil wizard in the world is something I can't quite accept yet.

And Harry knows this - he knows I struggle to accept that my boyfriend's father could very well be (and most likely is) a devoted death eater. I haven't dared mention it to Draco, although I know he has made Harry's image worse due to everything Harry is declaring. It's bad enough that the Ministry and the Minister himself are discrediting Harry, but to have easily the most feared boy in school make sure your life is even worse? I can't help but feel sorry for him.

"Where are we going?" I ask Draco, pulling myself from my rambling thoughts. Draco sighs and gently grabs my hand, pulling me outside to the courtyard we stood at many moons ago while it rained on us. We stop underneath the arch that kept us semi-dry that night and look into each other's eyes. It's beginning to get dark now and the cool night wind gently pushes my hair from my face. "Why are we out here?"

Draco looks into the field, biting his lower lip as his thoughts deepen. "I owe you an apology," he says. His head turns and his eyes find mine again. His expression is pained; his lips pressed firmly together as he concentrates. "Your friend is right. I should never treat you as I did earlier. Seeing you with a Weasley, laughing..." He bites the inside of his cheek as he looks away once again. After a deep breath, Draco continues. "It torments me to know that you're with him and his family during your holidays, having the time of your life, and he's scheming of any way for you to leave me for him."

Draco's voice cracks at the end of his sentence but he covers it by clearing his throat. As the sky gets darker, Draco's expression looks more solemn. He looks exhausted. I haven't even thought to ask him about how his semester is going; how his father tormented him over the summer; how he is handling the stress of the coming O.W.L exams. Even though, I didn't deserve to be spoken to as he did after his fight. He has no reason to believe that I would ever cheat on him.

"It makes me sick to think that his attention is focused on you and he has full access to you in times where I can't even write to you."

Another wind blows, sending chills down my spine and I shiver. My arms wrap around myself instinctively as I listen to my boyfriend speak. "Where were you this summer?" He asks. My heart skips a beat - I'm suddenly reminded of the Order of the Phoenix and 12 Grimmauld Place, where I snuck out to meet him.

"I was with the Weasleys," I reply. "Hermione was there, too, then Harry came toward the end." My eyes search his for any indication of mistrust, but it's too dark to see properly. Although I can't quite see his face, I can feel his eyes intent on my face. "Where were you?" I ask in a pathetic attempt to change the topic.

Draco chuckles and wraps an arm around me to guide me back to the castle. It's loose around me, as opposed to the usual tight grip he keeps as if I'll run off in an instant. It's obvious that he is too nervous to fully assume the roles we had before, so he's playing it easy. Testing the waters. When we enter the castle again, we find that the great hall is packed with students going for the dinner feast. Some spare us a glance, but most are too engrossed in their own conversations to notice us enter the castle.

"Valentine, you know where I was. Miserable. With my father, by his side as Potter threw accusations at him," Draco mutters. His lips curl in disgust as he spots Harry with Ron and Hermione entering the great hall, deeply engrossed in the conversation they're in. "Wishing you weren't with them."

His eyes turn toward Fred and George, who are talking to a group of first years who look relatively scared. Draco continues moving us past the groups of students, sending the younger students glares if they step near us.

As we pass the Gryffindor table, many students clap Ron on the back in congratulations. "Gryffindor's newest keeper!" Seamus prides as he pats Ron's back. "Slytherin better watch out." His eyes flick to Draco's as we pass, where they stay until I have to physically pull Draco away.

"Filthy brat," Draco spits as I yank him toward the Slytherin table. Seamus calls him something incoherent but thankfully Draco just rolls his eyes as he sits with his friends. "I'll see you later, right?" Draco asks me.

"Of course," I reply. I make my way back to the Hufflepuff table, where Rue and Marcus are waiting already.

I begin to eat my dinner and Marcus motions toward the professors table. "Look how smug her little toad face is," he groans. Professor Umbridge is studying every table, a certain smile on her face as she does so. "I wish she'd be the one on a prolonged vacation and not Hagrid."

My eyes find his replacement at the table and I sigh. I do miss him, and Harry doesn't have the slightest clue, either. Hagrid has been back, but Professor Umbridge has been fighting to get him away from his position.

Professor Umbridge turns her attention to me and a more sinister smile grows on her face. I turn from her and look down at my plate, pretending to not be bothered by her.

This is going to be a difficult year.

Happy holidays everyone!! I hope everyone spent it well with family. I'm trying to keep up with the Order of the Phoenix storyline so I've been adding some more info <3

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