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Chapter thirteen.



Vincent and Link have gone upstairs, leaving me and Jacob down here.

"You've got quite the little one, don't you?" Jacob chuckles, "I do. He's the best thing that's happened to me." I smile to myself as I think of Vincent.

"You've known him for less than 4 weeks and you've already got that face on you." Jacob laughs, "What face?" I raise a brow at my friend.

"The face that shows you like him." Jacob gives me a weird look, "Of course I like him. We're a match." I frown.

Most matches grow to like each other very quickly, even if they've just met the same week. Some may love their match.

"Does it seem quieter up there?" Jacob asks, I hum as I realise it seems silent. No footsteps, no chattering, no giggling. Just silence.

"You're correct." I say and I'm quickly on my feet, Jacob behind me.

I rush upstairs, panic flooding through my body. I immediately head for Vincent's room and push open his bedroom door, when I do my eyes scan the room but all I can see is the clothes Vincent was wearing tonight on the floor, the closet door is open. The window is open and it's quiet.

"I just checked the whole house, they're not here." Jacob says entering the room. "Do you know where they could be?" I ask, the panic increasing. "Link did ask if he could go to some party that a kid at his school was doing, but I said no because we had to be here."

"They're at the party." I say and rush downstairs, grabbing my coat and pulling on some shoes.

I go into the car, Jacob does the same.

"Do you know where this party is?" I question, as I speed up.

Jacob says nothing and I groan, but when I see a group of kids heading towards somewhere I decide to follow them.

Just my luck, we stop at a party. "Holy fuck, how did you do that?" Jacob asks shocked. "You didn't tell me anything so I followed the kids, assuming they'd come here." I glare at my friend and he apologises.
We go into the party and the strong smell of vomit, sex, drugs, sweat and alcohol hits both our noses. I grimace at it.

Me and Jacob start searching the house when we hear a voice that makes us turn around.

"Who the fuck invited two dom's, they're going to ruin everything."

I roll my eyes and continue looking. We go upstairs, nothing. We check twice, still nothing. Then we check downstairs again, nothing.

"Where could they be?" I stress and run a hand through my hair. "There's a back garden." Jacob shouts over the loud music and I nod and we go outside.

It's quieter out there and less people. We begin searching and I soon hear the familiar voice of Vincent. I follow the voice and see them through some trees, I can't see them well, but I know it's them.

I step closer, Jacob soon behind me.

"He's not having any drugs, stop asking." Vincent says, "Why you want some?" An unfamiliar voice questions.

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