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In the tranquil surroundings of the Kim family mansion, the conversation between Suzume and Soemin took a turn. Their talk about Jungkook and Taehyung's potential marriage had led to a decisive plan, a plan that would change the course of their children's lives.

As they wrapped up their call, Suzume knew that her lifelong friend, Soemin, understood her request. It wasn't an easy one, but the bond between them was unbreakable. Soemin, with genuine concern in her voice, asked what was on Suzume's mind.

Suzume wasted no time, her voice steady as she opened up about her plan. "Soemin, I have a request to make of you," she began.

Soemin, ever the understanding friend, replied, "Of course, Suzume. You know I've always been there for you. Please, go ahead."

Suzume continued, her voice laced with determination. "Soemin, first, I want to know something about Jungkook. Does he have a preference when it comes to gender?"

Soemin, pondering the question, replied, "As far as I know, Jungkook has never shown interest in girls. He seems more inclined towards boys. But, Suzume, why are you asking about this?"

Suzume seized the opportunity to lay out her plan. "Perfect, Soemin. I want your son, Jungkook, to marry my son, Kim Taehyung. I understand it may sound absurd, but I truly believe that Jungkook can bring happiness and warmth into Taehyung's life. I have seen how sweet and caring Jungkook is, and I am convinced he is the right match for my son."

Soemin, taking in the gravity of Suzume's words, replied with a mixture of surprise and concern. "Suzume, you're proposing a significant decision, and Jungkook is still so young. I respect your wishes, but it's ultimately up to Jungkook."

Suzume, feeling relieved that her friend was willing to consider the idea, added, "Thank you, Soemin. I know it's a lot to ask, but I genuinely believe this can bring happiness to both our sons. Let's meet tomorrow to discuss this further."

Soemin agreed to the meeting, "Alright, Suzume. Let's meet at my house tomorrow, and I'll talk to Jungkook about it."

In the modest house of the Jeon family, Soemin was thinking about the upcoming meeting and the proposal she had just received from Suzume. Her contemplation was interrupted when she spotted her son, Jungkook, returning from school. His disheveled appearance and the visible signs of a recent altercation left her deeply concerned.

Soemin rushed towards him, her motherly instincts kicking in. "Oh, my goodness, Jungkook! Why are you sweating so much? What happened at school?"

Jungkook, nonchalantly wiping his brow, replied, "Nothing much, Mom. Just got into a little fight with a guy who was cursing at us."

Soemin's concern quickly turned to anger, not just at the fight, but at the thought of something happening to her precious son. She scolded him, "Jungkook, you can't take such things lightly! What if something had happened to you? You're not a teenager anymore; you need to grow up."

Jungkook, a bit irritated by the lecture, responded, "Mom, relax. It's not a big deal. I'm hungry; can you make me something?"

Soemin, not completely satisfied with his response, decided to address the more significant matter at hand. She took a deep breath and said, "Jungkook, something important is happening. Tomorrow, my best friend's family and her son are coming to visit."

Jungkook, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, replied casually, "That's good. Why are you telling me this ? As like they are coming to see me as a groom."

Soemin, wanting to make him understand the situation, replied, "Jungkook, they're coming to see you, and it's not a joke. We're discussing the possibility of you getting married."

Jungkook couldn't believe his ears, and he scoffed at the idea. " WHAT MARRIAGE? Mom, stop joking around. I'm not ready for that, and I'm only 18."

Soemin, feeling a sense of urgency, appealed to her son's emotions. "Jungkook, if you truly love me, you will consider this for my happiness."

Jungkook, unable to see his mother upset, reluctantly agreed, "Mom you are blackmailing me right now ..... FINE I'll go along with it, but remember mom I'm not accepting it in my heart."

He left the room, heading to his own, deep in thought about the unexpected turn his life was about to take.

Suzume's tears welled up in her eyes. She knew the gravity of the decision she had to make regarding her son, Jungkook. The idea of marrying him off at such a young age weighed heavily on her mind, and she couldn't help but worry about whether it was the right choice for her beloved child.

Meanwhile, at the Kim family mansion, Taehyung had returned from work earlier than usual. His mother, Suzume, wasted no time in sharing the news of the upcoming visit. She had already prepared dinner, and Taehyung took a seat.

As his mom brought a glass of water, Taehyung politely refused and said, "Oh, Mom, you shouldn't bother. But thank you."

Suzume, with a loving smile, inquired about his day. "How was your work, son?"

Taehyung, with his characteristic cold demeanor, replied simply, "It was good."

Suzume continued, "How come you came home early today son?"

Taehyung, equally composed, answered, "I didn't have much work, so I came early today ."

The conversation then shifted to the upcoming visit. Suzume informed Taehyung about their invitation to Soemin's house and her expectation for him to attend.

Taehyung, initially resistant, couldn't say no to his mother's emotional appeal. "Alright, Mom. I'll go."

Suzume was relieved, and her eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thank you, son. It means a lot to me."

Later at the dinner table, Taehyung's dad asked, "Taehyung , are you okay with this? Are we pushing it too much? Son, we don't want to forcing you into anything. But your mother and I want to see you happy. If this visit can bring happiness into your life, we're all for it."

The decisions had been made, and two families were now on a path that would change the course of their lives in ways they couldn't yet imagine.


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