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Jungkook, ever the obedient son, began discussing his studies with Taehyung. He explained his subjects and his impressive academic achievements. Taehyung was genuinely impressed by Jungkook's academic prowess, but little did he know about Jungkook's hidden, more mischievous side.

As they conversed, Taehyung's eyes wandered around the room, and he couldn't help but notice a collection of dark romance novels on one of the shelves. His curiosity piqued, he silently marveled at the contrast between Jungkook's seemingly shy exterior and this intriguing choice of literature. Inside, he couldn't help but smirk at this hidden face of Jungkook, even if it didn't show on his face.

Taehyung decided to playfully tease Jungkook further, asking him, "Do you like to read, Jungkook?"

Jungkook, his smile growing wider, answered with a hint of amusement, "Yes, a lot."

Sensing an opportunity to delve deeper, Taehyung continued, "So, what type of books do you enjoy reading?"

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, stammering slightly, "Huh, well, action, fantasy..."

Unbeknownst to Jungkook, Taehyung had already noticed the dark romance novels on the shelf. His mind was busy piecing together the intriguing puzzle of the person before him. He couldn't help but think, "Such a pretty liar" concealing the thought behind a mysterious smirk form.

With an air of detachment and his customary composed expression, Taehyung asked a question that sent a flush of color to Jungkook's cheeks. He inquired, "So, Jungkook, are you okay with marrying me?"

Jungkook found himself at a loss for words, his mind overwhelmed by the thought of being married to someone as accomplished and handsome as Taehyung.

Taehyung, not one to be deterred by Jungkook's silence, continued, "Hmm your silence, I'll take it as a 'yes.' Or do you plan to ask me if I want to marry you?"

Jungkook, still blushing, managed to muster a quiet "hmm."

A soft chuckle escaped Taehyung, amused by Jungkook's flustered state. He decided to take matters into his own hands, concluding, "Well, if you won't ask, then I'll answer it by myself. I was initially inclined to refuse my mom's choice for my future spouse after meeting you, but now, as I think about it, I might have changed my mind."

Taehyung's comment hung in the air, leaving Jungkook in a state of uncertainty, his heart pounding as he processed the implications of Taehyung's words.

As Taehyung silently mused " it's will be fun to tease you pretty KIM jungkook"

Their contemplation was interrupted by Soemin, who appeared to call them for dinner. She affectionately called out to them, "Sons, it's time to have dinner. Come quickly."

Jungkook, still feeling like a blushing mess from his interaction with Taehyung, couldn't help but steal a few glances in Taehyung's direction as they made their way to the dining area.

After dinner, as they sat down for a heartfelt conversation, Jaehyun, Taehyung's father, leaned in and spoke to Jungkook kindly, "Jungkook, we want to make sure you're entirely comfortable with this. If you have any concerns or if this isn't what you want, please, feel free to express yourself."

Jungkook, who was still incredibly shy and uncertain, found himself lost for words, unsure of how to respond. He instinctively looked at Taehyung, seeking some form of reassurance or sign that this was what Taehyung truly desired.

Recognizing Jungkook's hesitation, Jaehyun redirected his question to Taehyung, asking for his approval to take Jungkook as his life partner, considering their age difference.

Taehyung, filled with confidence in his feelings and determination to gently tease Jungkook, responded with a clear affirmation. He emphasized that age was just a number and expressed his eagerness to marry Jungkook.

A subtle smile graced Suzume's lips, and the room's focus shifted back to Jungkook, awaiting his answer. Deep down, Taehyung was resolute in making Jungkook his, one way or another.

Once again, Jaehyun directed his question to Jungkook, who, still overwhelmed by shyness, initially responded with a simple nod. However, Taehyung, who wanted to hear Jungkook's voice and words

Taehyung, determined to hear Jungkook's words, leaned in closer and made a demand in a softer yet more insistent tone, "Jungkook, I need to hear it from your own mouth. Say that you want me."

Jungkook, still blushing and overwhelmed, mustered up the courage to comply with Taehyung's request. His voice trembled as he finally spoke, "I want you." by whispering to him

As the conversation progressed, it became evident that they couldn't delay the marriage plans for too long. Jaehyun and Suzume would soon embark on a business trip that would keep them away for three months. This timeframe prompted them to consider a relatively short engagement period.

Additionally, Soemin had her own family members arriving soon. Jungkook's grandparents were returning from America after several years and planned to live with Soemin. This family reunion would provide additional support and companionship for Soemin, ensuring that she wouldn't be alone during her son's absence.

Given these circumstances, they collectively agreed that a wedding within the coming week would be the best course of action, setting in motion the preparations for Taehyung and Jungkook's marriage.

Soemin, Jungkook's mother, had an important request for Taehyung and his family. She expressed her desire for Jungkook to be able to complete his studies before their marriage.

Taehyung, understanding the significance of education, immediately assured her, saying, "Aunty, I won't let anything come in the way of Jungkook's studies. I promise you that we will prioritize his education, and I'll make sure he graduates. You don't need to worry about it."

This promise brought a sense of relief to Soemin, knowing that her son's academic journey would continue without interruption.

Soemin, touched by Taehyung's assurance and kindness, expressed her heartfelt gratitude. She smiled warmly and said, "You can call me Mom, Taehyung. It would be a relief to see you as my son."

This simple yet profound gesture of acceptance further solidified the bond between son-in-law and mother-in-law.

With these words, a mix of relief, joy, and anticipation filled the room, marking the beginning of a new chapter for Taehyung and Jungkook as they embarked on their journey toward a potential marriage.


Dear readers, don't forget to vote if you yearn for the continuation of this captivating journey between Jungkook and Taehyung. Your votes pave the way for the blossoming of new chapters sooner than you might expect. Let the story flourish with your engagement!


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