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In the principal's office, the atmosphere hung heavy with tension as the principal sternly addressed Jungkook and Jimin. "Why did you both engage in such disruptive behavior? This is not acceptable in our institution," the principal inquired, a disapproving tone coloring their words.

Jungkook, feeling a mixture of guilt and hesitation, stammered, "We... we were just trying to... you know, lighten the mood." The principal's stern gaze prompted Jungkook to shift uncomfortably in his seat.

As the principal continued to question them about potential consequences and whom they should contact, Jungkook hesitated, contemplating his options. "My mom is at work, she can't be here," he explained. The principal, unrelenting, pressed for an alternative.

After a brief pause, Jungkook reluctantly admitted, "My guardian, Taehyung, can be contacted." The principal, clearly displeased, instructed Jungkook to provide Taehyung's contact information.

Jungkook scribbled Taehyung's number on a piece of paper, his hand slightly shaky. The principal, determined to address the issue, prepared to make the call.

The principal fixed a stern gaze on Jimin also, addressing him with an air of authority. "Jimin, your involvement in this matter is equally concerning. Disruptive actions have consequences, and we need to address them seriously. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Jimin, though aware of the gravity of the situation, maintained a composed demeanor. "I understand, sir. It was meant to be a harmless prank, but I realize it went too far," he admitted, a sense of remorse in his tone.

The principal continued, emphasizing the importance of responsible behavior and the potential impact on the school environment. Jimin nodded, acknowledging the gravity of their actions and the need for accountability.

Returning to the present, Taehyung arrived at the university, his quickened pace reflecting the urgency he felt. He approached the principal's office, a wave of apprehension washing over him.

Taehyung's gaze met Jungkook's, and for a moment, the room felt charged with unspoken emotions. 

As he entered, the principal, visibly displeased, began to recount the events that led to this meeting.

Jungkook and Jimin sat in the room, tension evident in their expressions. Taehyung, taking a moment to compose himself, listened to the principal's account with a controlled expression, but a simmering anger flickered in his eyes.

The principal concluded, leaving a heavy silence in the room by addressing to Jungkook, "Explain yourself, Jungkook. Tell your guardian why you thought this was an appropriate way to handle things."

As the principal pressed for a resolution, Taehyung's protective instincts kicked in, and despite his initial anger towards Jungkook's actions, he found himself defending his husband against external judgment.

Taehyung stepped in to defend Jungkook. "I understand the severity of the situation, and I assure you it won't happen again. I'll make sure Jungkook learns from this experience," he asserted, his protective instincts taking precedence over the initial anger.

The principal, though still displeased, acknowledged Taehyung's commitment to addressing the issue. Taehyung turned his attention to Jungkook and Jimin, his gaze demanding an explanation. "Why did you two feel the need to resort to such extreme measures? Explain yourselves," he urged, a blend of concern and authority in his voice.

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